- Run 400m (ish)
- 50 Air Squats
I have now set up my own CrossFit affilliate, www.crossfitteesside.com please follow us, "LIKE" our page on Facebook and send any feedback. I will still use this blog to record my own training and act as a CrossFit diary.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Hells Kitchen WODs
For time:
rest 5 mins
3 Rounds for time:
- ROW 1k
- 100 H/R Press ups
- 10 Squat Snatches @ 60kg
rest 5 mins
3 Rounds for time:
- 20 Pull ups
- 10 HSPUs
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
2011 OPEN WOD 4
10 min AMRAP
- 60 Bar hop burpees
- 30 OH Squats @ 55kg
- 10 Muscle ups
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Roseberry Topping Run
12:20 as Rxd with a bottle of champagne :-)
Last year I did this alone, this year I took my gym up there and they all did great!!!
Last year I did this alone, this year I took my gym up there and they all did great!!!
Monday, December 26, 2011
CrossFit total/ 2011 OPEN WOD 5
CrossFit Total
Back Squat - 147.5kg
Press - 65kg
Deadlift - 215kg
rest 5 mins
OPEN WOD 5- 20 min AMRAP
Back Squat - 147.5kg
Press - 65kg
Deadlift - 215kg
rest 5 mins
OPEN WOD 5- 20 min AMRAP
- 5 Power Clean @ 65kg
- 10 Toes to bar
- 15 Wall balls @ 10kg
Friday, December 23, 2011
9-7-5 reps for time:
- Muscle Up's
- Squat snatches @ 60kg
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Power Cleans n Push up Couplet
12-10-8-6-4-2 reps for time:
- Power Clean @ 70kg
- H/R Press ups
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
5 Rounds for time:
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
- 10 HSPUs
- Run 400m
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Putting a Demon to rest!! Hero WOD
Euro regionals WOD 4
For the time:
Rest 6 hours
Hero WOD "PAMELA" in memory of Mark Lanes mam
20 min AMRAP
For the time:
- 100 Pull ups
- 100 KB swings @ 24kg
- 100 Double unders
- 100 OH Squats @ 42.5kg
Rest 6 hours
Hero WOD "PAMELA" in memory of Mark Lanes mam
20 min AMRAP
- 1 Deadlift 100kg
- 12 Lateral Burpees
- 11 Sit ups
Monday, December 19, 2011
1 rep max Thruster/ Clean n Jerk
Thruster for singles upto 95kg
Clean n jerk upto 105kg, 107.5kg (F)
Clean n jerk upto 105kg, 107.5kg (F)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Past few days
Wednesday 14th December
Deadlift AMRAP @ 150kg - 21 reps without letting go of the bar
2 Rounds for time of:
2 Rounds for time:
rest 2 hours
10 Min AMRAP:
Thursday- rest day
Friday 16th-UK Throwdown WOD 4
7 Rounds for time of:
Saturday 18th @ CrossFit Nottingham with Andy Ward
"Little John"- For the time:
Rest 30 mins
3 Rounds for the time:
Deadlift AMRAP @ 150kg - 21 reps without letting go of the bar
2 Rounds for time of:
- 10 Power Snatch @ 50kg
- 10 OH Squats @ 50kg
2 Rounds for time:
- 10 Power Clean @ 50kg
- 10 Front Squats @ 50kg
rest 2 hours
10 Min AMRAP:
- 5 Deadlifts @ 80kg
- 15 Box jumps @ 24"
Thursday- rest day
Friday 16th-UK Throwdown WOD 4
7 Rounds for time of:
- 7 Squat Cleans @ 60kg
- 7 Burpees
- 7 Pull ups
Saturday 18th @ CrossFit Nottingham with Andy Ward
"Little John"- For the time:
- 6 Bench press @ 70kg
- 2 rope climbs @ 15ft
- 6 Deadlift @ 70kg
- 2 Rope climbs
- 6 Hang Power Clean @ 70kg
- 2 Rope climbs
- 6 Shoulder to over head @ 70kg
- 50 Double Unders
- 8 Bench press @ 70kg
- 2 rope climbs
- 8 Deadlift @ 70kg
- 2 Rope climbs
- 8 Hang Power Clean @ 70kg
- 2 Rope climbs
- 8 Shoulder to over head @ 70kg
- 50 Double Unders
- 10 Bench press @ 70kg
- 2 rope climbs
- 10 Deadlift @ 70kg
- 2 Rope climbs
- 10 Hang Power Clean @ 70kg
- 2 Rope climbs
- 10 Shoulder to over head @ 70kg
- 50 Double Unders
Rest 30 mins
- 5 min AMRAP box jumps @ 24"-169 reps
- rest 1 min
- 4 min AMRAP 50m shuttles - 20 reps
- rest 45 secs
- 3 min AMRAP KB Swings @ 32kg-70 reps
- rest 30 secs
- 2 min AMRAP Squat Snatch @ 50kg-10 reps
- rest 15 secs
- 1 min AMRAP Pull ups - 38 reps
3 Rounds for the time:
- Row 1k
- Run 800m
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Annie at the bar/ 3 min interval AMRAPS
For time:
3x3 Min AMRAPS with 3 mins rest inbetween
For time:
- 50 Double Unders
- 50 Toes to bar
- 10 HSPUs
- 40 Double Unders
- 40 Toes to bar
- 10 HSPUs
- 30 Double Unders
- 30 Toes to bar
- 10 HSPUs
- 20 Double Unders
- 20 Toes to bar
- 10 HSPUs
- 10 Double Unders
- 10 Toes to bar
- 10 HSPUs
3x3 Min AMRAPS with 3 mins rest inbetween
- 4 Power Cleans @ 60kg
- 6 Lateral Burpees
Monday, December 12, 2011
past few days
Sat 10th
3 Rounds for time:
Mon 12th
Max MU's with 2 min rest inbetween
in a 3 min window run 400m, 30 Box jumps @ 24" then AMRAP OH Squats @ 42.5kg
3 Rounds for time:
- 25 Pull ups
- 40m Walking lunge with 15kg
- 20 Hang Clusters @ 42.5kg
Mon 12th
Max MU's with 2 min rest inbetween
- 10
- 6
- 6
- 5
- 5
in a 3 min window run 400m, 30 Box jumps @ 24" then AMRAP OH Squats @ 42.5kg
- 13
- 10
- 14
- 10
- 14
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Snatch Tekkers
1-82.5kg (F) Kept losing it coming out of the Squat
1-82.5kg (F) Kept losing it coming out of the Squat
Monday, December 5, 2011
weekend at CF Thames/ London Throwdown WOD 1
Air force WOD
For time:
05:53 Rxd
3 Rounds for time:
London Throwdown WOD
in any order in any denomination complete:
10:43 Rxd
For time:
- 20 Thrusters
- 20 SDHP
- 20 Push Press
- 20 OH Squats
- 20 Front Squats
05:53 Rxd
3 Rounds for time:
- Run 400m
- 21 KB swings @ 24kg
- 12 Pull ups
London Throwdown WOD
in any order in any denomination complete:
- 75 Thrusters @ 35kg
- 75 Pull ups
- 75 Bar hop Burpees
10:43 Rxd
Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
UK Throwdown WOD 2
12 min AMRAP:
OH Squat
Deadlift -180kg x 10 reps
- 10 Rounds of Cindy
- AMRAP GTOH @ 60kg
OH Squat
Deadlift -180kg x 10 reps
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday and Tuesday
Press @ 60kg-5,5,3
3 Rounds for time:
3 Rounds for time:
Linda (3 bars of death) 10-1 reps of
Press @ 60kg-5,5,3
3 Rounds for time:
- 30 T2B
- 21 GTOH @ 40kg
3 Rounds for time:
- 8 Muscle ups
- 16 OH Squats @ 40kg
Linda (3 bars of death) 10-1 reps of
- 1 and a half Bodyweight Deadlift
- Bodyweight Bench press
- three quarters bodyweight Squat Clean
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Front Squats/ Bubba
Front Squats 3x3 @ 110kg,112.5kg,115kg
For time:
For time:
- 50 Air Squats
- 25 Push Press @ 50kg
- 50 Sit ups
- 25 Front Squats @ 50kg
- 50 Calorie row
- 25 Deadlifts @ 80kg
- 50 Double Unders
- 5 KB Swings @ 24kg
- 5 Burpees
Friday, November 25, 2011
Busy day
UK Throwdown WOD 1
7 min AMRAP:
1 Rep max Thrusters
1-95kg (PB)
For time:
7 min AMRAP:
- 5 HSPU
- 7 OH Squats @ 50kg
- 30 Double Unders
1 Rep max Thrusters
1-95kg (PB)
For time:
- 21 Thrusters @ 42.5kg
- 21 Pull ups
- 800m Run
- 30 KB Swings @ 24kg
- 30 Pull ups
- 50 Double Unders
- 50 Sit ups
- 400m Run
- 30 Box Jumps @ 24"
- 30 Wall Balls @ 9kg
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
5 x 3 HSPUs on parallettes down to 3" below parallel, rest 2 mins inbetween
5 x max reps Ring dips with 20kg, 2 mins rest in between-13,11,11,10,10
Rest 5 mins
5 Rounds for time:
5 x max reps Ring dips with 20kg, 2 mins rest in between-13,11,11,10,10
Rest 5 mins
5 Rounds for time:
- 50 Double Unders
- 6 Squat Cleans @ 70kg
- 11 T2B
- 17 KB Swings @ 32kg
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
GCS training
Cleans for singles upto 105kg
3 Rounds for time:
rest 5 mins
For time:
80 DU's, 20 KB swings @ 32kg, 20 Wall balls, 20 Burpees
02:58 Rxd
rest 5 mins
For time: 25 GHDs/1 Bar Muscle up, 20/2, 15/3,10/4,5/5
07:26 RXD
3 Rounds for time:
- 8 C2B pull ups
- 8 Thrusters @ 60kg
rest 5 mins
For time:
80 DU's, 20 KB swings @ 32kg, 20 Wall balls, 20 Burpees
02:58 Rxd
rest 5 mins
For time: 25 GHDs/1 Bar Muscle up, 20/2, 15/3,10/4,5/5
07:26 RXD
Monday, November 21, 2011
Pyramid Helen/ Strength
5 x 5 sets of MU's, 2 mins rest inbetween-10,7,5,5,4
rest 5 mins
For time:
Back Squat @ 130kg- 5/5/9 reps
Press @ 57.5kg - 5/5/8 reps
rest 5 mins
For time:
- Run 1200m
- 63 KB swings @ 24kg
- 36 Pull ups
- 42 KB swings @ 24kg
- 24 Pull ups
- 21 KB swings @ 24kg
- 12 Pull ups
Back Squat @ 130kg- 5/5/9 reps
Press @ 57.5kg - 5/5/8 reps
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Cindy/ Snatch
AMRAP 20 minutes
Squat Snatch
5 @ 50kg
5 @ 60kg
3 @ 65kg
1 @ 70kg
1 @ 75kg
Didnt try any higher as my last one was a real struggle!!
AMRAP 20 minutes
- 5 Pull ups
- 10 Press ups
- 15 Air Squats
Squat Snatch
5 @ 50kg
5 @ 60kg
3 @ 65kg
1 @ 70kg
1 @ 75kg
Didnt try any higher as my last one was a real struggle!!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday 17th, Friday 18th
Thursday - Russel take 2
3 Rounds for time of:
5 Rounds for time:
3 Rounds for time:
Front Squat @ 107.5kg-5/5/7 reps
rest 5 mins
50 Thrusters @ 50kg - 03:39
rest 5 mins
50 KB swings @ 32kg,50 Press ups - 03:13
rest 4 hours
3 Rounds for time:
3 Rounds for time of:
- 25 Double unders
- 25 H/R Push ups
- 6 x 10m sprints
5 Rounds for time:
- 50m swim
- 10 in/outs
- 20 Air squats
3 Rounds for time:
- 400m run
- 20 OH LUNGES @ 25kg
- 20 T2B
Front Squat @ 107.5kg-5/5/7 reps
rest 5 mins
50 Thrusters @ 50kg - 03:39
rest 5 mins
50 KB swings @ 32kg,50 Press ups - 03:13
rest 4 hours
3 Rounds for time:
- 400m run
- 13 Power cleans @ 80kg
- 13 Burpees
- 13 Pull ups
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Push Jerks 5-5-5-3-1-1-1
Push Jerks
1-117.5kg (PB!!!)
1-117.5kg (PB!!!)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Last few days "NAPIER"
Monday 14th- Strength
Back Squat @ 127.5kg- 5/5/10 reps
Press @ 57.5kg - 5/5/7 reps
Tuesday 15th
AF WOD-"Russell"
For time:
OH Squats for 3 reps @ 60kg,70kg,75kg,80kg,85kg (2) 90kg (1)
10 Rounds for time:
Back Squat @ 127.5kg- 5/5/10 reps
Press @ 57.5kg - 5/5/7 reps
Tuesday 15th
AF WOD-"Russell"
For time:
- 25 Double Unders
- 25 H/R Press ups
- 6 x 10m sprints
OH Squats for 3 reps @ 60kg,70kg,75kg,80kg,85kg (2) 90kg (1)
10 Rounds for time:
- 10 Power Cleans @ 42.5kg
- 5 Wall Climbers
- 20 Double Unders
Sunday, November 13, 2011
CrossFit Stockport/ Rememberance WOD
In one hour work thru as many Benchmark girls for points in pairs, me and Mike Holmes did this.
I got 2 x FRAN, 2 x GRACE, 1 x HELEN.
in a 7 man team do MURPH x 4
Rememberance WOD, 18 min AMRAP, rest for one minute at the 11th min.
I got 2 x FRAN, 2 x GRACE, 1 x HELEN.
in a 7 man team do MURPH x 4
Rememberance WOD, 18 min AMRAP, rest for one minute at the 11th min.
- 11 Hang snatches @ 35kg
- 11 Burpees
- 11 Thrusters @ 35kg
- 11 Pull ups
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Power/Squat Cleans 1-1-1-1-1/ METCON
Power Clean upto 105kg
Squat Clean upto 105kg
rest 5 minutes
For the time:
Ring dips x 5 sets with 2 mins rest inbetween
Squat Clean upto 105kg
rest 5 minutes
For the time:
- Row 1k
- 10 Squat Cleans @ 90kg
- 200 Double Unders
- 1k Row
Ring dips x 5 sets with 2 mins rest inbetween
- 33
- 26
- 17
- 17
- 20
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
2 Rounds for time:
Deadlift @ 180kg x 8 reps
Bench press 1-1-1-1-1 upto 105kg
- 200m Run
- 20 Power Cleans @ 60kg
- 20 Wall balls @ 9kg/10 ft TGT
- 20 KB Swings @ 24kg
- 20 Ab mat Sit ups
- 20 Toes to bar
Deadlift @ 180kg x 8 reps
Bench press 1-1-1-1-1 upto 105kg
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Courtesy of Bucko
Snatch work for reps
5 -50kg
5 - 55kg
3 - 60kg
3 - 65kg
1 - 70kg, 75kg, 80kg (PB)
rest 5 mins
3 Rounds for time of:
rest 5 mins
10x100m shuttles with 30 secs rest inbetween, all timed at 15 sec's.
5 -50kg
5 - 55kg
3 - 60kg
3 - 65kg
1 - 70kg, 75kg, 80kg (PB)
rest 5 mins
3 Rounds for time of:
- 5 Squat Snatch @ 65kg
- 30 Pull ups
rest 5 mins
10x100m shuttles with 30 secs rest inbetween, all timed at 15 sec's.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1/ CF Teesside WOD/ JERKS
Back Squat for singles
100kg,120kg,130kg,135kg,140kg (PB) Didnt try higher but reckon I have more in me!!
For the time:
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1
Push Press x 5 @ 70kg, 80kg
Push Jerks 1-1-1-1-1
90kg,100kg,110kg,115kg,117.5kg (Fail)
On with Bucko's programming 2moro, this should be intresting!!!
100kg,120kg,130kg,135kg,140kg (PB) Didnt try higher but reckon I have more in me!!
For the time:
- Run 800m
- 50 OH Squats @ 35kg
- 25 Box jumps @ 24"
- 25 OH Squats @ 35kg
- 50 Box jumps @ 24"
- Run 800m
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1
Push Press x 5 @ 70kg, 80kg
Push Jerks 1-1-1-1-1
90kg,100kg,110kg,115kg,117.5kg (Fail)
On with Bucko's programming 2moro, this should be intresting!!!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Friday 4th and Saturday 5th
Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1
80kg,100kg,110kg,115kg,120kg, 125kg (F)
21-15-9 reps for time of:
7 minute AMRAP
Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1
80kg,100kg,110kg,115kg,120kg, 125kg (F)
21-15-9 reps for time of:
- Front squats @ 60kg
- Ball slams @ 9kg
7 minute AMRAP
- 2 Muscle ups
- 2 Deadlifts @ 152.5kg
Thursday, November 3, 2011
OH Squats
3 Rounds for time of:
10 x 5 OH Squat @ 60kg rest as needed between sets, this was to prove to myself that I can do it!!
OH Squat AMRAP @ 42.5kg - 25 reps unbroken
- 10 OH Squats @ 60kg
- 50 Double unders
10 x 5 OH Squat @ 60kg rest as needed between sets, this was to prove to myself that I can do it!!
OH Squat AMRAP @ 42.5kg - 25 reps unbroken
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1/ Dianne
Deadlift for singles- 70kg, 110kg,150kg,190kg,210kg (PB), 220kg (failed)
rest 5 mins
21-15-9 reps for time of:
rest 5 mins
21-15-9 reps for time of:
- Deadlift @ 100kg
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
For time:
AMRAP 2 mins of Shoulder to Overhead @ 60kg
36 reps
For time:
- Run 1 mile
- Row 2km
- Run 1 mile
AMRAP 2 mins of Shoulder to Overhead @ 60kg
36 reps
Thursday, October 27, 2011
"LIPSON" Take 2
- Back Squat @ 85kg, taken from the ground
- KB swings @ 24kg
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
OH Squat 3-3-3-3-3/ Bucko's METCON
DWF Preparation
OH Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3
40kg/50kg/60kg/70kg/75kg/80kg/82.5kg (F)
rest 10 mins
3 Rounds for time of:
OH Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3
40kg/50kg/60kg/70kg/75kg/80kg/82.5kg (F)
rest 10 mins
3 Rounds for time of:
- 500m Row
- 21 Burpees
- 400m Run
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
10 Rounds for time:
Snatch tekkers
Hang Squat snatches upto 60kg
Squat Snatches upto 70kg
Power Snatch upto 75kg
10 Rounds for time:
- 3 HSPUs
- 6 Deadlifts @ 100kg
- 12 Pull ups
- 24 Double Unders
Snatch tekkers
Hang Squat snatches upto 60kg
Squat Snatches upto 70kg
Power Snatch upto 75kg
Monday, October 24, 2011
AF WOD 3/OH Squats
21-15-9 reps for time of:
OH squats for sets of 3 upto 70kg
- Back Squats @ 85kg (bar taken from the ground)
- KB swings @ 24kg
OH squats for sets of 3 upto 70kg
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Strength/ "June Terry"
Front Squats @ 107.5kg - 5,5,6
Shoulder Press @ 55kg - 5,5,8
My Friend Dan Watson lost his dear Nan last week and this WOD is dedicated to her life.
12 minute AMRAP
Front Squats @ 107.5kg - 5,5,6
Shoulder Press @ 55kg - 5,5,8
My Friend Dan Watson lost his dear Nan last week and this WOD is dedicated to her life.
12 minute AMRAP
- 80 Double unders
- 12 SDHP @ 40kg
- 10 Power cleans @ 40kg
- 11 Thrusters @ 40kg
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Back into training after Sweden
8 min AMRAP
Double under flight simulator
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 reps of double under, break after each set if you trip during a set then you start the set from the beginning again.
07:48 Rx'd
rest 5 mins
100 Burpees (touch above the 8 foot line), every minute perform 3 HSPU's
08:58 Rx'd
8 min AMRAP
- 3 Snatch complex's (power snatch/hang power snatch/hang squat snatch) 57.5kg
- 3 Wall climbs
Double under flight simulator
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 reps of double under, break after each set if you trip during a set then you start the set from the beginning again.
07:48 Rx'd
rest 5 mins
100 Burpees (touch above the 8 foot line), every minute perform 3 HSPU's
08:58 Rx'd
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Sweden Prep continued
16-14-12-10 reps for time of
Burpee box jump tekkers, forgot how much they take it out of you!!!
Squat snatch tekkers in trainers upto 60kg
16-14-12-10 reps for time of
- Hang thrusters @ 45kg
- Toes to bar
Burpee box jump tekkers, forgot how much they take it out of you!!!
Squat snatch tekkers in trainers upto 60kg
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sweden Prep continued
12m Shuttles
Max Double Unders in 1 min
2 min to Establish max Ground to Overhead-105kg
107.5kg Power CLean n Jerk!! PB
Max Double Unders in 1 min
2 min to Establish max Ground to Overhead-105kg
107.5kg Power CLean n Jerk!! PB
Monday, October 10, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday 6th
21-15-9 reps for the time of:
Friday 7th
Stacey re run, for the time: 150 Air squats, ROW 2K, 150 Air squats - 13:16 Rx'd
Rest 2 hours then a throwdown with Dan Watson using the hopper deck of cards, 2 cards each!!
Card 1-Push Press 7-7-7
30 Muscle ups for the time - 04:57 Rx'd
rest 5 mins then card 3- Last Ascent
5-10-15 reps for the time of:
rest 5 minutes then card 4- RANDY
75 Power snatches @ 35kg for the time- 03:37 Rx'd
Rest 2 hours then CrossFit Team WOD, Caroline pulled me through it!!!
Awesome days training
21-15-9 reps for the time of:
- Ring dips
- Press ups
Friday 7th
Stacey re run, for the time: 150 Air squats, ROW 2K, 150 Air squats - 13:16 Rx'd
Rest 2 hours then a throwdown with Dan Watson using the hopper deck of cards, 2 cards each!!
Card 1-Push Press 7-7-7
- 7 reps @ 75kg
- 7 reps @ 80 kg
- 6 reps @ 82.5kg, 7th rep became a jerk
30 Muscle ups for the time - 04:57 Rx'd
rest 5 mins then card 3- Last Ascent
5-10-15 reps for the time of:
- Back squat @ 100kg
- Box jumps @ 24"
rest 5 minutes then card 4- RANDY
75 Power snatches @ 35kg for the time- 03:37 Rx'd
Rest 2 hours then CrossFit Team WOD, Caroline pulled me through it!!!
Awesome days training
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Again faster are offering a slot on their team and I'd love to grab it.
For the time:
For the time:
- 150 Air Squats
- 2k Row
- 150 Air Squats
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Stole this from Rob Orlando :-)
This would is meant to ne performed un broken
7 Rounds for the time of:
7 Rounds for the time of:
- 4 HSPU's
- 5 Squat Cleans touch n go @ 70kg
- 6 Chest 2 Bar pull ups
- 7 KB swings @ 32kg
Monday, October 3, 2011
Chipper/Strength/Rowing n MU metcon
For the time:
Back Squat @ 122.5kg - 5, 5, 10
Shoulder press @ 55kg - 5,5,8
rest 10 minutes
3 Rounds for time:
For the time:
- Run 400m
- 30 Wall balls @ 9kg/10 ft target
- 20 Toes to bar
- 30 Box jumps @ 24"
- 20 SDHP @ 47.5kg
- 30 Burpees
- 20 Shoulder to Overhead @ 60kg
- 3 Rope climbs @ 15ft
Back Squat @ 122.5kg - 5, 5, 10
Shoulder press @ 55kg - 5,5,8
rest 10 minutes
3 Rounds for time:
- 10 Muscle up
- Row 1k
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Leeds Throwdown
In partners row 2k and then run 800m together.
Me and Luke did this in 11:00
For the time:
Me and Luke did this in 11:00
For the time:
- 50 Double unders
- 3 Rounds of
- 20 H/R press ups
- 15 Toes to bar
- 10 OH squats @ 50kg
- 50 Double unders
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Power Clean 5-5-3-3-1-1
Power Cleans
1-100kg, should have tried triple!!
Failed - 107.5kg!! PB still remains 105kg
1-100kg, should have tried triple!!
Failed - 107.5kg!! PB still remains 105kg
Friday, September 30, 2011
Strength/ METCON
Front squats @ 107.5kg
AMRAP-6, still cant reach 7
Shoulder Press @ 55kg
AMRAP - 6, going down!!!...... :-(
OH SQUAT 5-5-3-2-1-
2 -72.5kg
1-75kg (PB)
5 Rounds for time of:
AMRAP-6, still cant reach 7
Shoulder Press @ 55kg
AMRAP - 6, going down!!!...... :-(
OH SQUAT 5-5-3-2-1-
2 -72.5kg
1-75kg (PB)
5 Rounds for time of:
- 5 Ring HSPUs
- 10 OH squats @ 42.5kg
Thursday, September 29, 2011
WOD 1-Heavy Grace/Helen Sandwhich
For the time:
Rest 15 minutes
WOD 2 - 15 min AMRAP
For the time:
- 15 Clean n Jerks @ 70kg
- Run 400m
- 21 Kettlebell swings
- 12 Pull ups
- 15 Clean n Jerks @ 70kg
Rest 15 minutes
WOD 2 - 15 min AMRAP
- 10 Wall Balls @ 9kg/10Ft target
- 10 Toes to bar
- 10 Box jumps @ 24"
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Heavy Deads/Dips. Burpee/Deads triplet
Today was meant to be a rest day ahead of tomorrows throwdown with Sam Briggs but once I get in the box with the guys I cant help myself.
Deadlift AMRAP @ 175kg - 12 reps
Ring dips @ 32kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP - 12 reps
Rest 5 mins
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift AMRAP @ 175kg - 12 reps
Ring dips @ 32kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP - 12 reps
Rest 5 mins
21-15-9 reps for time of:
- Deadlifts @ 80kg
- Lateral Burpees
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Heavy Cleans/ Khalipa v Speal WOD/ Leeds WOD
Squat Clean singles upto 105kg, failed 107.5kg. PB still remains 107.5kg
Khalipa v Speal WOD
For time: 1 Clean n jerk @ 70kg, 1 round of cindy, 2 C n J's, 1 cindy, 3 C n J etc.......... until 10 C n J, 1 round of cindy.
14:56 Rx'd, 6-7-8-9-10 were tough!!!
PM Leeds Weekend WOD
3 rounds for time of:
Squat Clean singles upto 105kg, failed 107.5kg. PB still remains 107.5kg
Khalipa v Speal WOD
For time: 1 Clean n jerk @ 70kg, 1 round of cindy, 2 C n J's, 1 cindy, 3 C n J etc.......... until 10 C n J, 1 round of cindy.
14:56 Rx'd, 6-7-8-9-10 were tough!!!
PM Leeds Weekend WOD
3 rounds for time of:
- 50 Double unders
- 25 Kettlebell swings @ 32kg
- 10 HSPU's
Monday, September 26, 2011
1.9 mile sprint/ Heavy Back Squats
Run across town to pick up my car from the garage - 10:42, put the odemeter on for the drive back and it worked out at 1.9 mile :-)
Back Squats @ 120kg
Back Squats @ 120kg
Sunday, September 25, 2011
HERO WOD- Fairbrother
10 Rounds for the time of:
Squat Snatch tekkers for sets of 3, then singles
3- 40kg, 3-45kg, 3-50kg,3-55kg,3-60kg,3-65kg, 1-70kg, 1-72.5kg Failed 75kg. These werent touch and go. Still 2.5kg away from the bodyweight squat snatch!!
- 3 Strict HSPUs
- 8 Chest to bar pull ups
- 2 Deadlifts @ 150kg
Squat Snatch tekkers for sets of 3, then singles
3- 40kg, 3-45kg, 3-50kg,3-55kg,3-60kg,3-65kg, 1-70kg, 1-72.5kg Failed 75kg. These werent touch and go. Still 2.5kg away from the bodyweight squat snatch!!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
WOD from CrossFit Cardiff
10 minute AMRAP
- 10 Wall Balls @ 9kg, 10ft Target
- 5 Ground to overhead @ 40kg
Friday, September 23, 2011
Strength/ 20 min AMRAP
Front squats @ 107.5kg
AMRAP - 6, wanted 7 but just cant get out of that hole!!
Ring dips @ 32kg
A WOD courtesy of Andy Ward
20 minute AMRAP
Rest 2 hours
3 Rounds for the time:
Front squats @ 107.5kg
AMRAP - 6, wanted 7 but just cant get out of that hole!!
Ring dips @ 32kg
A WOD courtesy of Andy Ward
20 minute AMRAP
- 10 Hang thrusters @ 40kg
- 10 Burpees
- 10 Toes to bar
Rest 2 hours
3 Rounds for the time:
- 30 Double unders
- 30 Box jumps @ 24"
- 20 OH squats @ 42.5kg
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
CrossFit Teesside WOD/ Strength
In a 3 minute window run 400m then AMRAP Kettlebell swings @ 32kg
rest 2 minutes
In a 3 minute window run 400m then AMRAP H/R press ups
rest 2 minutes
In a 3 minute window run 400m then AMRAP Box jumps @ 30"
rest 2 minutes
In a 3 minute window run 400m then AMRAP Burpees
I did this wearing a 10kg vest, 400m splits were 1:25-1:38.
Swings - 43
Press ups - 44
Box jumps - 28
Burpees - 23
138 in Total.
Deadlifts @ 170kg AMRAP - 13
Shoulder press @ 55kg
rest 2 minutes
In a 3 minute window run 400m then AMRAP H/R press ups
rest 2 minutes
In a 3 minute window run 400m then AMRAP Box jumps @ 30"
rest 2 minutes
In a 3 minute window run 400m then AMRAP Burpees
I did this wearing a 10kg vest, 400m splits were 1:25-1:38.
Swings - 43
Press ups - 44
Box jumps - 28
Burpees - 23
138 in Total.
Deadlifts @ 170kg AMRAP - 13
Shoulder press @ 55kg
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Clean n jerk tekkers/METCON
Clean and Jerk Tekkers working upto 100kg
Rest 5 minutes
This WOD is from Andy Ward, 5 Rounds for the time of:
Yesterdays CrossFit Teesside WOD-12 minute AMRAP of:
Rest 10 mins
3 x HSPU AMRAP with 5 mins rest inbetween.
Clean and Jerk Tekkers working upto 100kg
Rest 5 minutes
This WOD is from Andy Ward, 5 Rounds for the time of:
- 12 Chest to bar pull ups
- 3 Clean and jerks @ 85kg
- 300m row
- 2 Clean and Jerks @ 90kg
Yesterdays CrossFit Teesside WOD-12 minute AMRAP of:
- 10 Double unders
- 10 Ball Slams @ 9kg
- 10 Toes to bar (these should be sit ups)
Rest 10 mins
3 x HSPU AMRAP with 5 mins rest inbetween.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Strength work
Back Squat @ 117.5kg
Ring dips @ 32kg
AMRAP @ 42.5kg-28
Ring dips @ 32kg
AMRAP @ 42.5kg-28
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Today was meant to be a rest day as I was going to my best mates daughters christening, I knew there would be an awesome buffet on offer so I decided to hit "MURPH" before hand :-)
For the time:
In a 10kg vest
For the time:
In a 10kg vest
- Run 1 mile
- 100 Pull ups
- 200 Press ups
- 300 Air squats
- Run 1 mile
Saturday, September 17, 2011
400m runs, box jumps, hang power cleans- MU AMRAP
3 rounds for the time:
Rest 30 minutes
3 sets of AMRAP Muscle ups, roughly 5 minutes rest in between.
- Run 400m
- 15 Hang power cleans @ 60kg
- 15 Box jumps @ 24"
Rest 30 minutes
3 sets of AMRAP Muscle ups, roughly 5 minutes rest in between.
- 13 (PB)
- 9
- 9
Friday, September 16, 2011
Strength,Metcon,Rope climb AMRAP
Front Squats @ 107.5kg
Press @ 55kg
PM-WOD courtesy of Dan Watson
For time
50 Double unders
15-30-10 reps of:
-Thrusters @ 50kg
-Ring dips
-SDHP @ 50kg
-Abmat Sit ups
50 Double unders
13:57 Rx'd
AMRAP 3 mins of 15ft Rope climbs - 14
Front Squats @ 107.5kg
Press @ 55kg
PM-WOD courtesy of Dan Watson
For time
50 Double unders
15-30-10 reps of:
-Thrusters @ 50kg
-Ring dips
-SDHP @ 50kg
-Abmat Sit ups
50 Double unders
13:57 Rx'd
AMRAP 3 mins of 15ft Rope climbs - 14
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Strength/ Deads,pull ups,800m run chipper
Deadlifts @ 165kg
AMRAP - 14 reps
Rest 5 mins
I got this WOD from Rob Orlando's FB page
Me - 12:26
All my strengths in one WOD, felt like a cherry picker.
Weighted ring dips @ 28kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP - 14 reps
Rest 10 mins
50 Strict HSPUs for the time
06:07, the first 30 in 2:23. Pretty disappointed with that time.
Deadlifts @ 165kg
AMRAP - 14 reps
Rest 5 mins
I got this WOD from Rob Orlando's FB page
- Run 800m
- 20 Deadlifts @ 100kg (unbroken)
- Run 800m
- 50 Pull ups
- Run 800m
- 20 Deadlifts @ 100kg (unbroken)
Me - 12:26
All my strengths in one WOD, felt like a cherry picker.
Weighted ring dips @ 28kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP - 14 reps
Rest 10 mins
50 Strict HSPUs for the time
06:07, the first 30 in 2:23. Pretty disappointed with that time.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Full/Hang Squat Clean tekkers/ Recent mainsite WOD
Hang Squat Clean - upto 100kg, didnt try any higher
Full Squat Clean upto 107.5kg, missed first few attempts but finally nailed after some spotting.
Rest 5 mins
15,12,9,6,3 reps for the time of:
10 Rounds of Cindy in a 10kg vest
06:36 Rx'd
Hang Squat Clean - upto 100kg, didnt try any higher
Full Squat Clean upto 107.5kg, missed first few attempts but finally nailed after some spotting.
Rest 5 mins
15,12,9,6,3 reps for the time of:
- Power Clean @ 60kg
- Over bar burpees
10 Rounds of Cindy in a 10kg vest
06:36 Rx'd
Monday, September 12, 2011
Strength work/ Wall ball n MU couplet
Back Squat @ 115kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
Shoulder Press @ 55kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
Rest 30 mins
5 Rounds for time of:
-5 reps
-5 reps
Shoulder Press @ 55kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
Rest 30 mins
5 Rounds for time of:
- 20 Wall balls @ 9kg
- 5 Muscle ups
Sunday, September 11, 2011
400m runs/box jumps/T2B/CLUSTERS- Strength
5 Rounds for time of:
Push press and Jerk tekkers working upto 110kg
- 400m Run
- 12 Toes to bar
- 9 Box jumps @ 30"
- 6 Clusters @ 60kg
Push press and Jerk tekkers working upto 110kg
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Strength work
Front Squats @ 102.5kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP - 9 reps
Ring dip @ 24kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP - 16 reps
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP - 9 reps
Ring dip @ 24kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP - 16 reps
Friday, September 9, 2011
Squat snatches/OH Squats/ NANCY- pull ups, KB swings n DU's
Squat snatch tekkers
3 reps @ 50kg
3 reps @ 60kg
1 @ 65kg
1 @ 70kg
1 @ 72.5kg (PB)
OH Squats @ 60 kg
5 reps
5 reps
AMRAP- 14 reps
Rest 10 mins
NANCY- 5 Rounds for time of:
The incline on my 400m run became steep after 2 rounds. Well happy to keep the sets unbroken!!!
100 Pull ups for the time- 03:53
5 Rounds for time:
Squat snatch tekkers
3 reps @ 50kg
3 reps @ 60kg
1 @ 65kg
1 @ 70kg
1 @ 72.5kg (PB)
OH Squats @ 60 kg
5 reps
5 reps
AMRAP- 14 reps
Rest 10 mins
NANCY- 5 Rounds for time of:
- 400m run
- 15 OH squats @ 42.5kg
The incline on my 400m run became steep after 2 rounds. Well happy to keep the sets unbroken!!!
100 Pull ups for the time- 03:53
5 Rounds for time:
- 40 Double unders
- 20 KB swings @ 24kg
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Strength work, 400m runs and HSPU's
Deadlift @ 162.5kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP - 13
Shoulder press @ 52.5kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
5 Rounds for time:
Disappointed with those numbers
Deadlift @ 162.5kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP - 13
Shoulder press @ 52.5kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
5 Rounds for time:
- run 400m
Disappointed with those numbers
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
30 Minute AMRAP
- 30 Double unders
- 8 Squat Cleans @ 70kg
- 11 Hand release press ups
Monday, September 5, 2011
Strength work/ Bodyweight Chipper
Back Squat @ 112.5kg
5 reps
5 reps
AMRAP - 11 reps
Weighted Ring dip @ 24kg
5 reps
5 reps
AMRAP - 14 reps
For the time:
Back Squat @ 112.5kg
5 reps
5 reps
AMRAP - 11 reps
Weighted Ring dip @ 24kg
5 reps
5 reps
AMRAP - 14 reps
For the time:
- 50 Pull ups
- 25 HSPUs
- 50 Toes to bar
- 25 Ring dips
- 25 Chest to bar pull ups
- 12 Ring HSPUs
- 25 Knees to elbow
- 12 Ring dips
Sunday, September 4, 2011
5 km Obstacle Race through rolling countryside, low wire entanglements, flaming hurdles and mud pools.
finished 1st overall out of 350 runners.
Ive won a free invite to the Super spartan race in the states/canada :-)
finished 1st overall out of 350 runners.
Ive won a free invite to the Super spartan race in the states/canada :-)
Saturday, September 3, 2011
30 Clean and Jerks @ 60kg for the time
02:13 Rx'd
First 13 were unbroken, did 15 on 48 Sec's. I went to singles for the last 10 reps.
02:13 Rx'd
First 13 were unbroken, did 15 on 48 Sec's. I went to singles for the last 10 reps.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Strength work
Shoulder press @ 52.5kg
AMRAP-8 reps
Front Squat @ 100kg (Cleaned from the ground)
AMRAP-8 reps
AMRAP-8 reps
Front Squat @ 100kg (Cleaned from the ground)
AMRAP-8 reps
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Bodyweight mix/ Squat snatch & OH squat
5 Rounds for time of:
Squat snatch tekkers from the ground and hang working upto 60kg
Overhead squat @ 60kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP- 12 reps
5 Rounds for time of:
- 12 Toes to bar
- 9 Strict HSPUs
- 6 Muscle ups
- 3 Rope climbs 15ft
Squat snatch tekkers from the ground and hang working upto 60kg
Overhead squat @ 60kg
-5 reps
-5 reps
AMRAP- 12 reps
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
ROSSI/ Strength work
6 Rounds for time:
Weighted Ring dips @ 80% of 1RM
AMRAP @ 20kg-17
Deadlift @ 80% of 1RM
AMRAP @ 160kg- 11
Weighted Pull up @ 80% of 1RM
6 Rounds for time:
- 600m Row
- 60 Double unders
- 6 Box jumps @ 30"
- 6 Burpee Pull ups
- 6 Shoulder to Overhead @ 60kg
- 60 Air Squats
Weighted Ring dips @ 80% of 1RM
AMRAP @ 20kg-17
Deadlift @ 80% of 1RM
AMRAP @ 160kg- 11
Weighted Pull up @ 80% of 1RM
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
5 Rounds for time:
Strength @ 80% of 1 REP MAX
Press- 2 x sets of 5, 1 x AMRAP @ 52.5kg = 7 reps
Back Squat-2 x sets of 5, 1 x AMRAP @ 110kg = 12 reps
5 Rounds for time:
- 40 Double unders
- 30 Box jumps @ 24"
- 20 Kettlebell swings @ 32kg
Strength @ 80% of 1 REP MAX
Press- 2 x sets of 5, 1 x AMRAP @ 52.5kg = 7 reps
Back Squat-2 x sets of 5, 1 x AMRAP @ 110kg = 12 reps
Sunday, August 28, 2011
F**ked up Snatch complex (taken from FIT AS F**K competition)
Power Snatch and Squat Snatch tekkers.
Power snatch-70kg (PB) Felt ok, could have went higher maybe.
Squat Snatch-70kg (PB), Failed (75kg) Shoulder didnt like it,still some movement in there at that weight.
6 Rounds for the time:
Power snatch-70kg (PB) Felt ok, could have went higher maybe.
Squat Snatch-70kg (PB), Failed (75kg) Shoulder didnt like it,still some movement in there at that weight.
6 Rounds for the time:
- 1 Power Snatch @ 60kg
- 2 Squat Snatch @ 60kg
- 3 Overhead squats @ 60kg
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Deadlifts/Pull ups
5 Rounds for the time:
Full rest day tomorrow!!!
- 15 Deadlifts @ 82.5kg
- 15 Pull ups
Full rest day tomorrow!!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
OH squat/HSPU couplet. Squat snatch tekkers
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Rest 10 minutes
5 x sets of 10 Squat snatch @ 42.5kg, rest 1 minute between sets.
Rest 10 minutes
L-SIT hold
1 x 15 secs
1 x 10 secs
1 x 10 secs
- OH squat @ 50kg
Rest 10 minutes
5 x sets of 10 Squat snatch @ 42.5kg, rest 1 minute between sets.
Rest 10 minutes
L-SIT hold
1 x 15 secs
1 x 10 secs
1 x 10 secs
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Helen, Front Squats, T2B/Wall ball couplet, Farmers walk
HELEN- 3 Rounds for time:
3 sets of 10 unbroken squat cleans @ 60kg, rest 1 minute inbetween.
Rest 10 minutes
5 Rounds for time of:
200m Farmers walk @ 24kg each hand - 53 seconds.
HELEN- 3 Rounds for time:
- 400m run
- 21 KB swings 24kg
- 12 Pull ups
- 5-90kg
- 5-100kg
- 3-110kg
- 3-115kg (2)
- 1-120kg (F) tired legs!!
3 sets of 10 unbroken squat cleans @ 60kg, rest 1 minute inbetween.
Rest 10 minutes
5 Rounds for time of:
- 15 Wall balls 9kg
- 15 Toes to bar
200m Farmers walk @ 24kg each hand - 53 seconds.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Active recovery/ Rest day
Rowing at 90%
1k-03:25 (1:42 Avg 500m)
rest 3 mins
750m - 2:33 (1:42 Avg 500m)
rest 2 mins
500m - 1:40.9 (1:40.9 Avg 500m)
rest 1 min
250m - 49.4 (1:38.8 Avg 500m)
Pistols - 5 x sets of 10 (no time)
1k-03:25 (1:42 Avg 500m)
rest 3 mins
750m - 2:33 (1:42 Avg 500m)
rest 2 mins
500m - 1:40.9 (1:40.9 Avg 500m)
rest 1 min
250m - 49.4 (1:38.8 Avg 500m)
Pistols - 5 x sets of 10 (no time)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
3 Rounds for time of:
- 12 Muscle ups
- 75 Air squats
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Burpee's/Goblet squats/KB swings AMRAP
12 minute AMRAP
- 5 Burpees
- 10 Goblet squats @ 24kg
- 15 KB swings @ 24kg
Friday, August 19, 2011
HERO WOD-The big Reach
For time:
PM- 5-5-3-3-1 Shoulder press, Push press, Push jerk
Shoulder press
5-50kg, 5-55kg, 3-57.5kg, 3-60kg, 1-62.5kg, Failed-65kg
Push press
5-70kg, 5-75kg, 3-80kg, 3-85kg, 1-90kg
Push Jerk
5-85kg, 5-87.5kg, 3-95kg, 3-100kg, 1-105kg, 1-110kg, 1-115kg (PB)
- 42 Front Squats @ 60kg
- Row 2200m
- 42 Burpee Pull ups
PM- 5-5-3-3-1 Shoulder press, Push press, Push jerk
Shoulder press
5-50kg, 5-55kg, 3-57.5kg, 3-60kg, 1-62.5kg, Failed-65kg
Push press
5-70kg, 5-75kg, 3-80kg, 3-85kg, 1-90kg
Push Jerk
5-85kg, 5-87.5kg, 3-95kg, 3-100kg, 1-105kg, 1-110kg, 1-115kg (PB)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Full rest day
Today is a full rest day, tomorrow I'll be completing the HERO WOD " THE BIG REACH" in memory of a fallen ROYAL MARINE!!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Im back to recording my progress, had a few busy weeks!!
Im back to recording my own progress after a few busy weeks!!!
Recent WODs
For time
5 Rounds for time:
105kg Clean and Jerk
For time:
Rest 10 mins. then 3 sets AMRAP OH squats @ 50kg, rest as needed between sets
AMRAP muscle ups, 1 minute rest between sets
Recent WODs
- 150 Wall balls @ 9kg for time - 07:00 Rx'd
For time
- 20 Deadlift @ 80kg
- 20 Lateral burpees
- 20 Thrusters @ 40kg
- 20 KB swings @ 24kg
5 Rounds for time:
- Run 400m
- 3 15ft Rope climbs
- 10 Chest to bar Pull ups
- 15 Ring push ups
105kg Clean and Jerk
For time:
- 7-5-3 Snatch and OH squat @ 50kg
- 50 Double unders
- 20 Pull ups
- 7-5-3 Power clean and Front squat @ 50kg
- 30m OH walking lunge with 20kg plate
Rest 10 mins. then 3 sets AMRAP OH squats @ 50kg, rest as needed between sets
- 20
- 10
- 13
- 24
- 19
- 18
AMRAP muscle ups, 1 minute rest between sets
- 7, 7, 5.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
OH Squat/ MU couplet
For time:
PM - weighted Pull ups
Should have went heavier alot earlier
- 21 Overhead Squats @ 42.5kg
- 9 Muscle ups
- 15 OH squats
- 7 Muscle ups
- 9 OH squats
- 5 Muscle ups
PM - weighted Pull ups
Should have went heavier alot earlier
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
McGee/ Strict press/DEEP HSPU
30 minute AMRAP
Strict press
1-60kg (PB)
1-62.5kg (F)
5-level floor
5-5kg raised plate for hands
3-10kg raised plate for hands
3-15kg raised plate for hands
1-20kg raised plate for hands
30 minute AMRAP
- 5 Deadlifts @ 125kg
- 13 Push ups
- 9 Box jumps @ 24inch
Strict press
1-60kg (PB)
1-62.5kg (F)
5-level floor
5-5kg raised plate for hands
3-10kg raised plate for hands
3-15kg raised plate for hands
1-20kg raised plate for hands
Monday, July 25, 2011
Squat Clean/ METCON/ CrossFit Teesside Benchmark WOD
Squat Clean
5- 80kg
1-100kg (F)
Cleans need alot of work!!!
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for time of:
Rest 10 mins
CrossFit Teesside Benchmark WOD
Run 400m
3 Rounds of:
20 Squats
20 Sit ups
20 Push ups
Run 400m
06:03 rx'd
5- 80kg
1-100kg (F)
Cleans need alot of work!!!
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for time of:
- 15 Hang Power Clean @ 60kg
- 15 Burpees
Rest 10 mins
CrossFit Teesside Benchmark WOD
Run 400m
3 Rounds of:
20 Squats
20 Sit ups
20 Push ups
Run 400m
06:03 rx'd
Sunday, July 24, 2011
2009 games WOD 5
3 Rounds for the time:
- 30 Wall ball shots @ 9kg
- 30 Hang Squat snatches @ 35kg (bar must travel below the knee)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Yesterdays WOD n ANGIE
Yesterday was 6 x 400m sprints with 90 sec's rest inbetween
For the time
Strict shoulder press
- 1:04
- 1:10
- 1:09
- 1:11
- 1:13
- 1:13
For the time
- 100 pull ups
- 100 Press ups
- 100 Sit ups
- 100 Air squats
Strict shoulder press
- 5-50kg
- 5-52.5kg
- 3-55kg
- 1-57.5kg
- 1-60kg (F)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Back squat/ METCON
Back Squat
5- 80kg
1-130kg (F)
5 Rounds for time
5- 80kg
1-130kg (F)
5 Rounds for time
- 30 Back squat @ 30kg
- 20 Ring dips
- 15 Double unders
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Burpees/Swings triplet - 400m runs/wall balls
For time:
21-15-9 reps of
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for time of:
21-15-9 reps of
- KB swings @ 32kg
- Burpees
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for time of:
- Run 400m
- 25 Wall ball shots @ 9kg
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Loads of catch up WODs
Been a while since Ive posted, heres some WODs from the past week.
For time:
Nasty girls
3 Rounds for time
1 Rep max Shoulder to overhead
110kg/245lb (PB)
30-25-20-15-10 reps for time of:
20 Minute AMRAP:
For time:
- ROW 1k
- 50 Thrusters @ 20kg
- 40 Hand release push ups
- 30 KB swings @ 24kg
- 20 Burpees
- 10 Pull ups
- ROW 1k
Nasty girls
3 Rounds for time
- 50 Air squats
- 7 Muscle ups
- 10 Hang power cleans @ 60kg
1 Rep max Shoulder to overhead
110kg/245lb (PB)
30-25-20-15-10 reps for time of:
- OH squats @ 42.5kg
- Toes to bar
20 Minute AMRAP:
- 5 Handstand push ups
- 10 Pistols
- 15 Pull ups
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Rowing-500m splits
Concept 2 rowing
5 x 500m splits with 3 mins rest inbetween splits
5 x 500m splits with 3 mins rest inbetween splits
- 1:33
- 1:33 (obviously loafed on the first split!!)
- 1:38
- 1:42
- 1:42
Friday, July 8, 2011
In memory of the victims from the 7/7 London bombings
7 Rounds for the time of:
7 Rounds for the time of:
- 7 HSPUs (strict)
- 7 Thrusters @ 60kg
- 7 Knees to elbow
- 7 Deadlift @ 110kg
- 7 Burpees
- 7 Kettlebell swings @ 32kg
- 7 Pull ups
Thursday, July 7, 2011
5-5-3 Power Clean/ Squat clean thruster n ring dip metcon
Power Clean
Rest 5 minutes
3 rounds for the time:
- 5-80kg
- 5-90kg
- 3-95kg
- 10 Squat clean thruster @ 50kg
- 12 Ring dips
- 8 Squat clean thruster @ 50kg
- 14 Ring dips
- 6 Squat clean thruster @ 50kg
- 16 Ring dips
- 4 Squat clean thruster @ 50kg
- 18 Ring dips
- 2 Squat clean thruster @ 50kg
- 20 Ring dips
Rest 5 minutes
3 rounds for the time:
- 10 Strict pull ups
- 20 pistols (10 each leg)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Du's/Box jumps/Kettlebell swings
Another WOD given to me by Stu Trees from CrossFit West Yorkshire
5 Rounds for the time of:
Full rest day tomorrow, then Ive got to get back into some heavy lifts!!!
5 Rounds for the time of:
- 40 Double unders
- 30 Box jumps @ 24 inches
- 20 Kettlebell swings @ 24kg
Full rest day tomorrow, then Ive got to get back into some heavy lifts!!!
Monday, July 4, 2011
DU/Pistol/HSPU Triplet
10 Rounds for the time of:
- 25 Double unders
- 10 Pistols (5 each leg)
- 5 Handstand push ups
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Birthday WOD
Chipper for the time:
- 7 Deadlifts @ 175kg
- 82 Box jumps @ 24 inch
- 7 Deadlifts @ 175kg
- 82 Air squats
- 7 Deadlifts @ 175kg
- 82 Burpees
Saturday, July 2, 2011
First WOD in the unit
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for the time of:
- Hang power snatch @ 42.5kg
- Overhead squat @ 42.5kg
- Handstand push ups
Friday, July 1, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Beach WOD 3
For the time:
- 21 concrete box jumps (roughly 30 inches)
- 3 Burpees
- 18 concrete box jumps (roughly 30 inches)
- 6 Burpees
- 15 concrete box jumps (roughly 30 inches)
- 9 Burpees
- 12 concrete box jumps (roughly 30 inches)
- 12 Burpees
- 9 concrete box jumps (roughly 30 inches)
- 15 Burpees
- 6 concrete box jumps (roughly 30 inches)
- 18 Burpees
- 3 concrete box jumps (roughly 30 inches)
- 21 Burpees
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Beach WOD 2
For the time:
- 20 Handstand push ups
- 25 Air squat jumps
- 15 Handstand push ups
- 50 Air squat jumps
- 10 Handstand push ups
- 75 Air squat jumps
- 5 Handstand push ups
- 100 Air squat jumps
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
5 Rounds for the time:
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
- 50 Air squats
- 25 Hand release push ups
- 200m run
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
- Double unders
- Sit ups (un anchored, shoulders to deck, chest to knees)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Nicole/ Rings Push up AMRAP
20 minute AMRAP of:
Rest 10 minutes
AMRAP (as many REPS as possible) of Ring push ups x 5 sets with 1 minute rest in between sets.
20 minute AMRAP of:
- 400m run
- max reps pull ups, (as soon as you drop off the bar run 400m again)
Rest 10 minutes
AMRAP (as many REPS as possible) of Ring push ups x 5 sets with 1 minute rest in between sets.
- 30
- 20
- 15
- 19
- 16
Friday, June 24, 2011
Fry the shoulders!!!!
This WOD was given to me by Stu Trees at CrossFit West Yorkshire, he like me struggles with shoulder to overhead strength and see's it a sa weakness to work on.
5 Rounds for the time with a 40kg bar
Was meant to be a rest day today but Im pushing through until Monday because Im going away for a few days of sun :-)
5 Rounds for the time with a 40kg bar
- 5 Strict shoulder press
- 10 Push press
- 15 Push jerk
Was meant to be a rest day today but Im pushing through until Monday because Im going away for a few days of sun :-)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Be strong, Be Deadlift strong!!!
Deadlift 5-5-3-3-1
Rest 5 minutes
with a 135lb bar perform 60 reps unbroken, rest 1 minute, 40 reps unbroken, rest 1 minute, 20 reps unbroken.
Set of 40 was a killer!!! I firmly believe that having a strong deadlift prepares you for any other lift!!
- 5 reps @ 345lbs
- 5 reps @ 385lbs
- 3 reps @ 415lbs
- 3 reps @ 425lbs
- 1 rep @ 445lbs
- 1 rep FAILED @ 455lbs, PB still remains @ 445lbs
Rest 5 minutes
with a 135lb bar perform 60 reps unbroken, rest 1 minute, 40 reps unbroken, rest 1 minute, 20 reps unbroken.
Set of 40 was a killer!!! I firmly believe that having a strong deadlift prepares you for any other lift!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Bodyweight mix
5 Rounds for the time of:
Rest 5 minutes
For the time:
- 5 muscle ups (palms out)
- 10 pistols on each leg (20 in total)
- 15 toes to rings
- 20 walking lunge steps
Rest 5 minutes
For the time:
- 30 Air squats
- 5 Ring Handstand push ups
- 30 Air squats
- 4 Ring Handstand push ups
- 30 Air squats
- 3 Ring Handstand push ups
- 30 Air squats
- 2 Ring Handstand push ups
- 30 Air squats
- 1 Ring Handstand push ups
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
HERO WOD- JEREMY/ 300 Double unders for time
21-15-9 reps for the time of:
Rest 5 minutes
300 Double unders for the time - 03:42 (PB) 146 unbroken.
21-15-9 reps for the time of:
- Overhead squats @ 42.5kg/95lb
- Burpees
Rest 5 minutes
300 Double unders for the time - 03:42 (PB) 146 unbroken.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Sunday Throwdown at CrossFit HG3- sick WODs :-)
3Rounds, working 1 min on the following stations for a total number of reps
Rest 15 mins
3 minute AMRAP of:
rest 1 minute, then 3 minute AMRAP of:
rest 1 minute, then 3 minute AMRAP of:
Awesome day, looking forward to the next one at Leeds.
3Rounds, working 1 min on the following stations for a total number of reps
- Squat Clean Thrusters @ 50kg
- Burpee into a pull up into a knees to elbows
- Tyre flips (heavy tyre!!)
- Farmers walk with 24kg Kettlebell each hand (1 metre=1 rep)
- Rest
- Row (calories rowed=reps)
Rest 15 mins
3 minute AMRAP of:
- 3 Overhead squats @ 45kg
- 6 Hand release push ups
- 9 Box jumps @ 24 inch
rest 1 minute, then 3 minute AMRAP of:
- 7 Kettlebell swings @ 24kg
- 7 Toes to bar
rest 1 minute, then 3 minute AMRAP of:
- 5 Thrusters @ 45kg
- 5 Bar-facing burpees.
Awesome day, looking forward to the next one at Leeds.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Middlesbrough 5km park run/ Skill Triplet
5km Parkrun
18:05, was hoping to hit sub 18. Im still happy with that time, PB still remains 17:47.
5 Rounds for the time:
18:05, was hoping to hit sub 18. Im still happy with that time, PB still remains 17:47.
5 Rounds for the time:
- 7 Handstand Push ups (mixture of strict then kipping when fatigued)
- 14 Ring dips
- 21 Double unders
Friday, June 17, 2011
20 Minute AMRAP of:
Good to see my mates at CrossFit Wolfe Baghdad getting on the mainsite :-)
- 10 Push press @ 50kg
- 10 Kettlebell swings @ 24kg
- 10 Box jumps @ 24 inch (games standard)
Good to see my mates at CrossFit Wolfe Baghdad getting on the mainsite :-)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Back Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1
Back Squat
With a 135lb/60kg bar perform 40 reps unbroken, rest 2 mins, 30 reps unbroken, rest 2 mins, 20 reps unbroken, rest 1 minute 10 reps unbroken.
With a 135lb/60kg bar perform 40 reps unbroken, rest 2 mins, 30 reps unbroken, rest 2 mins, 20 reps unbroken, rest 1 minute 10 reps unbroken.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Mainsite WOD from 31/05/11
For the time:
- 50 Pull ups
- 10 Burpees
- 40 Pull ups
- 20 Burpees
- 30 Pull ups
- 30 Burpees
- 20 Pull ups
- 40 Burpees
- 10 Pull ups
- 50 Burpees
Monday, June 13, 2011
OH squat/Walking lunges/400m run Triplet
For the time:
- 21 Overhead squats @ 42.5kg/95lbs
- 21 Walking Lunges with 42.4kg/95lbs bar overhead (narrow grip)
- 400m run
- 15 Overhead squats @ 42.5kg/95lbs
- 15 Walking Lunges with 42.4kg/95lbs bar overhead (narrow grip)
- 400m run
- 9 Overhead squats @ 42.5kg/95lbs
- 9 Walking Lunges with 42.4kg/95lbs bar overhead (narrow grip)
- 400m run
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
1 RM Squat Clean/KALSU
Work upto a 1 rep max squat clean
For the time:
100 Thrusters @ 60kg, 5 Burpees on the minute, every minute!!
Disgusting from the off!!! 24:51 rx'd
For the time:
100 Thrusters @ 60kg, 5 Burpees on the minute, every minute!!
Disgusting from the off!!! 24:51 rx'd
Friday, June 10, 2011
MU's/400m run AMRAP
20 Minutes AMRAP of:
I wanted 7 rounds but hit pure fatigue, first set of MU's unbroken, then down to sets of 5 + 2.
- Run 400m
- 7 Muscle ups (games standard)
I wanted 7 rounds but hit pure fatigue, first set of MU's unbroken, then down to sets of 5 + 2.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
First WOD after games- JACKIE
For the time:
OH squat tekkers @ 30kg, 3 x sets of 20.
- Row 1000m
- 50 Thrusters @ 20kg bar
- 30 Pull ups
OH squat tekkers @ 30kg, 3 x sets of 20.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Still resting post games!!
Im still feeling the effects of the regionals, legs, back and arms are still pretty sore!!! GAY I know, hoping to get back into training by the weekend. I have a date with the OH squat, my aim over them next few weeks will be to completely rebuild my OH squat, stripping back down to PVC pipe and gradually increasing the load!!
D Day tomorro reference the possibility of Crossfit Teesside!! Fingers crossed the council overturn their original decision, if not I'll be boarding a plane to the states in order to train for next year!!
D Day tomorro reference the possibility of Crossfit Teesside!! Fingers crossed the council overturn their original decision, if not I'll be boarding a plane to the states in order to train for next year!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The past 3 days has just been all about technique work, no real WODs as such. Trying to stay injury free and taking care of a few niggles Ive aquired over the past week.
Full rest n stretch between now and Friday, Let the games begin.
Good luck to all, ecspecially my mates on the Crossfit Leeds team captained by Mike Rawlinson and the Baghdad boys Andy and Stef in the individuals!!
Full rest n stretch between now and Friday, Let the games begin.
Good luck to all, ecspecially my mates on the Crossfit Leeds team captained by Mike Rawlinson and the Baghdad boys Andy and Stef in the individuals!!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
More games prep
I was too tired to do yesterdays PM WOD so I did it as prescribed this morning, still not for time just for a taster. I burnt out far too early on the pull ups so I need to go for smaller sets at the start.
- 100 Pull ups
- 100 KB swings
- 100 Double unders
- 100 OH squats @ 42.5kg
Friday, May 27, 2011
Games prep continued.
9-7-5 MU's with 1 minutes rest in between. Rings set at 2 inches above my reach.
Managed to do them all unbroken.
rest 30 mins
21-15-9 reps of:
For time: 50 Pull ups, 50 KB swings, 50 DU's ,50 OH squats @ 42.5kg
Managed to do them all unbroken.
rest 30 mins
21-15-9 reps of:
- Deadlift 145kg
- Box jumps 30 inches
For time: 50 Pull ups, 50 KB swings, 50 DU's ,50 OH squats @ 42.5kg
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Pushing Amanda/ Lunge walks,new burpees
9-7-5 reps for time of:
Rest 5 minutes
3 rounds for time:
PM- 3 rounds for time of:
- Squat snatches @ 60kg
Rest 5 minutes
3 rounds for time:
- 30m Walking lunge with 20kg overhead
- 10 Burpees with a jump on a 20kg plate.
PM- 3 rounds for time of:
- 20 Pull ups
- 20 Dumbell ground to overhead @ 20kg
- 20 Toes to bar
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Leeds with Wardy
1 Rep max thruster-85kg, possibly 90kg with a kind judge
Squat snatch practice @ 45,50,55,60kg- more confidence needed.
5 Rounds for time of:
20 HSPUs for the time- 01:52, they were all strict but Ive now learnt the kip which may make things easier
5 x 10 pull ups, roughly 10 seconds rest in between.
Good to train with Andy Ward!! 10 days til games,1 week of training left!!
Squat snatch practice @ 45,50,55,60kg- more confidence needed.
5 Rounds for time of:
- 400m run
- 15 OH squats @ 40kg
20 HSPUs for the time- 01:52, they were all strict but Ive now learnt the kip which may make things easier
5 x 10 pull ups, roughly 10 seconds rest in between.
Good to train with Andy Ward!! 10 days til games,1 week of training left!!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Light Amanda
9-7-5 reps for the time of:
WOD- MU's all unbroken;extremly cautious on the snatches.Felt a slight wobble in my shoulder during the set of 7. Happy to do it at that weight.
- Muscle ups,(rings set 1 inch above reach, palms out)
- Squat snatch @ 57.5kg/125lbs
WOD- MU's all unbroken;extremly cautious on the snatches.Felt a slight wobble in my shoulder during the set of 7. Happy to do it at that weight.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Games prep
The next 2 weeks revolves around preperation for the games WODs
Yesterday was an attempt at WOD 4, 100 pull ups, KB swings,Double unders, OH squats @ 95lb for the time- I played about with all 4 movements but not for the time.
Today I did a shortened version of WOD 3: 15-9-6 reps for the time of
Finished with 30 HSPUs for the time, tried the tactic of keeping shorter sets, 10-5-3-2-singles ended up with just over 2:30
Yesterday was an attempt at WOD 4, 100 pull ups, KB swings,Double unders, OH squats @ 95lb for the time- I played about with all 4 movements but not for the time.
Today I did a shortened version of WOD 3: 15-9-6 reps for the time of
- Deadlift : 315lb/145kg
- Box jumps @ 30 inches
Finished with 30 HSPUs for the time, tried the tactic of keeping shorter sets, 10-5-3-2-singles ended up with just over 2:30
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
1 Rep max squat clean n jerk/ Final WOD 2009 Games
Find 1 rep max SQUAT CLEAN N JERK,
I was inspired by all the heavy lifts coming out of Crossfit Leeds and knew I had over 100kg in me. I managed 105kg/231lb full squat clean n jerk, then failed 107.5kg/236lb. Not bad on a windy basketball court with chavs shouting at me.
Rest 5 minutes
For the time:
I was inspired by all the heavy lifts coming out of Crossfit Leeds and knew I had over 100kg in me. I managed 105kg/231lb full squat clean n jerk, then failed 107.5kg/236lb. Not bad on a windy basketball court with chavs shouting at me.
Rest 5 minutes
For the time:
- 30 Squat clean n jerks @ 70kg/155lb
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Squat snatch/Ring dip/400m run triplet- Push press/Toes to rings couplet
For the time:
Rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds for the time of:
10 rounds for time of:
- 21 Squat snatchs @ 42.5kg
- 21 Ring dips
- 400m run
- 15 Squat snatchs @ 42.5kg
- 15 Ring dips
- 400m run
- 9 Squat snatchs @ 42.5kg
- 9 Ring dips
- 400m run
Rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds for the time of:
- 10 Toes to rings
- 10 Push press @ 42.5kg
10 rounds for time of:
- 100m run (50m shuttles)
- 50 Double unders
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
WOLFE WOD 16th May 2011
For the time:
- Row 1000m
- 20 x Thrusters @ 115lbs/50kg
- 40 x Hand release push ups
- Run 800m
- 20 x Squat/power Snatch @ 115lbs/50kg
- 40 x KB swings @ 1.5 pood
- Row 500m
- 20 x HSPUs
- 40 x Bench Jumps @ 30"
- Run 400m
- 100 Double unders (300 single unders)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
5 Rounds for the time:
- 400m run
- 30 Box jumps @ 24 inch
- 30 Wall Balls @ 10kg/ 9 foot target
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Heavy Deadlift triplet/ Wolfe WOD
7 rounds for the time:
Rest 5 mimutes
Wolfe WOD-6 min AMRAP of:
Struggling on the right leg pistols!!!!
- 21 Double unders
- 7 Deadlift @ 125kg/275.5lb
- 5 Handstand push ups
Rest 5 mimutes
Wolfe WOD-6 min AMRAP of:
- 10 pistols (5 each leg)
- 10 KB snatches @ 24kg (5 each arm)
Struggling on the right leg pistols!!!!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Between now and regionals Im going to be selecting a few of Crossfit WOLFE BAGHDADs WODs so I can test my weakness's
3 rounds for the time:
Rest 5 minutes
15 Muscle ups for the time: 02:06 rx'd, I kept my first 8 unbroken, then did 2 and then down to singles.
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for time:
Afternoon- Sale sharks rowing test, 30 secs on, 30 secs off x 6- total distance covered= 1001 metres
3 rounds for the time:
- 15 Bar-facing burpees
- 20 OH squats @ 42.5kg/95lb
- 800m run
Rest 5 minutes
15 Muscle ups for the time: 02:06 rx'd, I kept my first 8 unbroken, then did 2 and then down to singles.
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for time:
- 50m sprint (25 metre shuttle)
- 30 Hand release push ups
Afternoon- Sale sharks rowing test, 30 secs on, 30 secs off x 6- total distance covered= 1001 metres
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Final WOD in NYC @ Crossfit Hells Kitchen
3 Rounds for the time of:
- 21 Hang power cleans @ 135lb/60kg
- 15 Hang squat cleans @ 135lb/60kg
- 9 Split jerks @ 135lb/60kg
Monday, May 9, 2011
Mainsite WOD @ Crossfit NYC "the black box"
20 minute AMRAP of:
- 5 Chest to bar pull ups
- 10 Wall balls @ 20lb/10 foot target
- 15 Kettlebell swings @ 24kg
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mainsite WOD @ Crossfit NYC "the black box"
5 rounds for the time of:
- 15 Thrusters @ 95lb
- 15 Bar facing burpees
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Crossfit Gotham, NYC
Find one rep max Squat Clean,
I managed 215lb, should have had 225lb!!!!!
For the time:
Max reps Power cleans @ 135lb for 1 minute, then do burpees til u hit 50 reps combined.
I did 22 Power cleans in the minute then finished 28 burpees off at 02:09.
I managed 215lb, should have had 225lb!!!!!
For the time:
Max reps Power cleans @ 135lb for 1 minute, then do burpees til u hit 50 reps combined.
I did 22 Power cleans in the minute then finished 28 burpees off at 02:09.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Crossfit Hells Kitchen NYC
20 minute AMRAP:
Awesome to get back on a climbing rope again after a good 6 months. CROSSFIT NYC, "the black box" tomorrow
20 minute AMRAP:
- 15 foot rope climb
- 400m run
- Max handstand push ups
Awesome to get back on a climbing rope again after a good 6 months. CROSSFIT NYC, "the black box" tomorrow
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
1 rep max clean n jerk/OH carry/ squat snatch,HSPU couplet
Establish a 1 rep max squat clean n jerk,
I managed 95kg, need to be pushing through 100kg consistently.
For the time:
Rest 5 minutes and work on squat snatch tekkers.
For the time: 9-7-5 reps of:
I managed 95kg, need to be pushing through 100kg consistently.
For the time:
- 20 Abmat sit ups
- 20 Air squats
- 20 Crossfit Push ups
- 1 squat clean n jerk @ 80kg followed by a 10 metre overhead carry x 10
- 20 crossfit push ups
- 20 Air squats
- 20 Abmat sit ups
Rest 5 minutes and work on squat snatch tekkers.
For the time: 9-7-5 reps of:
- squat snatch @ 40kg
- handstand push ups
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Crossfit HG3 unofficial open day
15 minute AMRAP
WOD 2 (partner WOD)
10 Rounds for the time of: (5 rounds each)
WOD 3 (partner WOD)
50 Muscle ups for the time (full turn out)
Me and Mike Rawlinson did this in 05:55, awesome work Mike carrying me at the end!!!
15 minute AMRAP
- 5 Clean n Jerks @ 60kg
- 10 Burpees
- 15 KB swings @ 24kg
- 20 Double unders
WOD 2 (partner WOD)
10 Rounds for the time of: (5 rounds each)
- 250m Row
- 20 Chest to deck push ups
- 20 walking lunge steps with 20kg plate overhead
WOD 3 (partner WOD)
50 Muscle ups for the time (full turn out)
Me and Mike Rawlinson did this in 05:55, awesome work Mike carrying me at the end!!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
CROSSFIT TOTAL/ 30 Manmakers for time
Establish 1 rep max of the following 3 lifts, only 3 attempts at each lift.
Rest 5 minutes
30 Man makers for the time with 15kg Dumbells - 05:21 as required.
Manmaker = perform 1 x push up holding the dumbells, then full row right arm, full row left arm, then perform a squat clean n jerk with the dumbells in each hand
Rest 4 hours, putting the new toy "Concept 2" machine to good use.
4 x 500m splits, 3 mins rest inbetween- 1:32/1:34/1:37/1:39
Establish 1 rep max of the following 3 lifts, only 3 attempts at each lift.
- Back squat - 295lb/133kg
- Shoulder press - 135lb/61kg
- Deadlift - 445lb/201kg
Rest 5 minutes
30 Man makers for the time with 15kg Dumbells - 05:21 as required.
Manmaker = perform 1 x push up holding the dumbells, then full row right arm, full row left arm, then perform a squat clean n jerk with the dumbells in each hand
Rest 4 hours, putting the new toy "Concept 2" machine to good use.
4 x 500m splits, 3 mins rest inbetween- 1:32/1:34/1:37/1:39
Friday, April 29, 2011
Games WOD 6 take 2/ Leeds WOD
7 minute AMRAP ladder in increments of 3:
Rest 20 minutes, then for the time:
- 3 Thrusters @ 45kg
- 3 Chest to bar pull ups
- 6 Thrusters @ 45kg
- 6 Chest to bar pull ups
- 9
- 9
- 12
- 12 and so on
Rest 20 minutes, then for the time:
- Start by doing 3 burpees, then on the top of every minute do 3 burpees
- 5 Squat Cleans 60kg
- 20 Hollow Rocks
- 10 Jerks 60kg
- 20 Mountain Climbers
- 20 Deadlifts 60kg
- 20 Mountain Climbers
- 10 Jerks 60kg
- 20 Hollow Rocks
- 5 Squat Cleans 60kg
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Similar to MAINSITE WOD 23/04/11
For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35kg Barbell
25 Good mornings @ 20kg bar
30 Wall ball shots, 10kg ball/8 foot target
12 Towel Pull ups
11:25 as required, felt really tired, full rest tomorrow before hitting WOD 11.6 at Leeds
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35kg Barbell
25 Good mornings @ 20kg bar
30 Wall ball shots, 10kg ball/8 foot target
12 Towel Pull ups
11:25 as required, felt really tired, full rest tomorrow before hitting WOD 11.6 at Leeds
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
OPEN WOD 6 first attempt
3-3-6-6-9-9-12-12 etc for 7 minutes of:
- Thruster @ 45kg
- Chest to bar pull ups
Monday, April 25, 2011
Hitting the weakness's
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for the time of:
- Handstand push ups
- Overhead squat @ 42.5kg/95lbs, (first rep must be squat snatch)
- Pistols (each leg)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
20 minute AMRAP
Rest 20 mins
30 Clean n jerks for the time @ 60kg - 2:53 rx'd
rest 5 minutes
female Grace, 30 Clean n jerks for the time @ 40kg - 1:37 rx'd
- 200m run
- 4 Deadlift @ 140kg
- 30 KB swings @ 24kg
Rest 20 mins
30 Clean n jerks for the time @ 60kg - 2:53 rx'd
rest 5 minutes
female Grace, 30 Clean n jerks for the time @ 40kg - 1:37 rx'd
Thursday, April 21, 2011
5km Run/ Kettlebell snatch tekkers
5 km Run - 18:04
Kettlebell snatch tekkers
03:17 as required, sets were broken down to 10 reps each arm x 5, all unbroken.
Kettlebell snatch tekkers
- 2 x 5 reps each arm @24kg
- 2 x 3 reps each arm @ 32kg
03:17 as required, sets were broken down to 10 reps each arm x 5, all unbroken.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
21-15-9 reps for the time of:
- Thrusters @ 42.5kg
- Pull ups
Monday, April 18, 2011
High Box jumps/ Toes to bar Couplet. Death by HSPUs/ PM yesterdays mainsite WOD
For the time:
Rest 5 minutes
Death by Handstand push ups, on the 1st minute perform 1, 2nd min perform 2 and so on...
I got to 9 in the 9th minute, failed 10.
Yesterdays main site WOD=HAMMER
5 Rounds for the time, 90 secs rest between rounds
- 21 Box jumps @ 30 inches / 3 Toes to bar
- 18 Box jumps @ 30 inches / 6 Toes to bar
- 15 Box jumps @ 30 inches / 9 Toes to bar
- 12 Box jumps @ 30 inches / 12 Toes to bar
- 9 Box jumps @ 30 inches / 15 Toes to bar
- 6 Box jumps @ 30 inches / 18 Toes to bar
- 3 Box jumps @ 30 inches / 21 Toes to bar
Rest 5 minutes
Death by Handstand push ups, on the 1st minute perform 1, 2nd min perform 2 and so on...
I got to 9 in the 9th minute, failed 10.
Yesterdays main site WOD=HAMMER
5 Rounds for the time, 90 secs rest between rounds
- 5 Power cleans
- 10 Front squats
- 5 Push jerks
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Yesterdays OPEN WOD/ todays horrible WOD
10 min AMRAP:
TODAY, WOD courtesy of Sam Briggs
3 Rounds for the time of:
10 min AMRAP:
- 60 over the bar burpees
- 30 Overhead squats @ 55kg
- 10 Muscle ups
TODAY, WOD courtesy of Sam Briggs
3 Rounds for the time of:
- 800m run
- 32 Air Squats
- 600m run
- 32 KB swings @ 32kg
- 400m run
- 32 Pull ups
- 200m run
- 32 Burpees
Thursday, April 14, 2011
21-15-9 reps for the time of:
4x400m splits with 2 mins rest in between
- Deadlift @ 100kg
- Handstand push ups
4x400m splits with 2 mins rest in between
- 1:02
- 1:05
- 1:05
- 1:07
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
WOD 11.4/ Cleans, shoulder to Overhead,
10 Minute AMRAP:
5 minute break
5 Rounds for the time of:
- 60 Bar facing Burpees
- 30 OH squats @55kg
- 10 Muscle ups
5 minute break
5 Rounds for the time of:
- 5 Squat cleans @ 55kg
- 5 Shoulder to overhead @ 55kg
- 10 metre overhead walk @55kg
Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Muscle up/ Toes to rings Couplet/ 400m intervals
10 Rounds for the time of:
3 x 400m intervals with 2 mins rest inbetween
- 3 Muscle ups (palms out)
- 5 Toes to rings
3 x 400m intervals with 2 mins rest inbetween
- 57 secs
- 1:05
- 1:11
Thursday, April 7, 2011
OH Squat, KB swing, Pull ups Triplet
18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for the time of:
- Overhead squat 45kg
- Kettlebell swing 24kg
- Pull ups
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Full/Hang clean technique/ 2010 Games WOD (scaled) / FURY WOD
5 Rounds for the time:
For the time: Run 1km, 35 Burpees, Run 1km = 08:37 rx'd
- 3 Power cleans @ 80kg
- 5 Ring Handstand push ups
For the time: Run 1km, 35 Burpees, Run 1km = 08:37 rx'd
Monday, April 4, 2011
Hitting the weakness's
9-7-5 reps for the time of:
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for the time of:
Legs are still fried!!!!
- Power clean @ 50kg
- Front squat @ 50kg
- Power snatch @ 50kg
- Overhead squat @ 50kg
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for the time of:
- 7 Thrusters @ 50kg
- 14 Pistols
- 21 Toes to bar
Legs are still fried!!!!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
HSPU/Back squat/Pull up Triplet
5 Rounds for the time:
- 7 Handstand push ups
- 10 Back squats @ 60kg
- 12 Pull ups
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Open wod #2 Take two
15 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) of:
- 9 Deadlifts @ 70kg
- 12 Crossfit push ups
- 15 Box jumps (24 inch)
14 rounds + 4 Deadlifts, what a difference a box makes.
- 9 Deadlifts @ 70kg
- 12 Crossfit push ups
- 15 Box jumps (24 inch)
14 rounds + 4 Deadlifts, what a difference a box makes.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
15 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) of:
- 9 Deadlift 70kg
- 12 Crossfit Push ups (hand release at the bottom)
- 15 Box jumps (24 inch)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 20 minutes of:
- 5 Handstand push ups
- 10 Pistols (5 each leg)
- 15 Pull ups
Monday, March 28, 2011
HERO WOD - Abbate
For the time:
- Run 1 mile (8 x 200m shuttles)
- 21 Clean and jerks @ 70kg/155lb
- Run 800m (4 x 200m shuttles)
- 21 Clean n jerks @ 70kg/155lb
- Run 1 mile (8 x 200m shuttles)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
5 rounds for the time:
My dad has first exposure to crossfit with a couplet of 5 Rounds for the time of 60 Single unders/15 Kettlebell swings @ 12kg - 07:23 as required.
- 400m run
- 15 Overhead squats @ 42kg/95lb
My dad has first exposure to crossfit with a couplet of 5 Rounds for the time of 60 Single unders/15 Kettlebell swings @ 12kg - 07:23 as required.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Ring dip work, Mainsite WOD from 22/03/11
3 x 1 min AMRAP (As many reps as possible) of Ring dips, resting 2 minutes between.
For the time:
- 32 reps
- 32 reps
- 28 reps
For the time:
- 70 Burpees - 3:45
- 60 Sit ups - 5:35
- 50 Kettlebell swings 24kg - 7:22
- 40 Pull ups - 9:28
- 30 Handstand push ups - 17:24
New addition to my garden, built by my new coach the Father |
Thursday, March 24, 2011
OPEN WOD 1, take 2
10 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 10 minutes of:
- 30 Double unders
- 15 Power snatches 35kg
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
FRAN-PEE, Leeds WOD, Clean n Jerk 1 rep max
FRAN-PEE= For the time: 21-15-9 reps of:
5 minute rest, 1 rep max clean n jerk
Clean: 100kg/220lb
Jerk 90kg/198lb
5 minute rest
max reps in 1 minute of
- Thrusters 42.5kg
- Burpees
5 minute rest, 1 rep max clean n jerk
Clean: 100kg/220lb
Jerk 90kg/198lb
5 minute rest
max reps in 1 minute of
- Burpees
- Box jumps
- Walking lunge steps with 20kg plate overhead
- 1 minute rest, then repeat
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Deadlift n Muscle up Couplet, Ring Handstand push up practice
This WOD was meant to be Cleans @ 80kg and Muscle ups but I had to sub Deadlifts because my garden isnt flat enough to clean on lol.
For the time:
5 minute rest
5 sets x 5 reps of Ring handstand push ups, 2 mins rest in between. Managed to keep them unbroken.
For the time:
- 2 Muscle ups (palms out)
- 10 Deadlift @ 125kg/275lb
- 4 Muscle ups
- 8 Deadlift
- 6 Muscle ups
- 6 Deadlift
- 8 Muscle ups
- 4 Deadlift
- 10 Muscle ups
- 2 Deadlift
5 minute rest
5 sets x 5 reps of Ring handstand push ups, 2 mins rest in between. Managed to keep them unbroken.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
UK sectional WOD from 2010
For the time:
- 50 Double unders
- 3 Rounds of 3 Clean n jerk 60kg, 10 Toes to bar
- 40 Double unders
- 2 Rounds of 3 Clean n jerk 60kg, 10 Toes to bar
- 30 Double unders
- 1 Round of 3 Clean n jerk 60kg, 10 Toes to bar
Saturday, March 19, 2011
CrossFit Games Open WOD 1, and then Chelsea for the crack!!
Open WOD 1
10 Min AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) of:
20 min rest then got talked into doing "CHELSEA"
With a running clock perform one round of CINDY on the minute every minute for 30 minutes.
CINDY 1 round = 5 Pull ups, 10 Push ups and 15 Squats.
10 Min AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) of:
- 30 Double unders
- 15 Power snatch 35kg
20 min rest then got talked into doing "CHELSEA"
With a running clock perform one round of CINDY on the minute every minute for 30 minutes.
CINDY 1 round = 5 Pull ups, 10 Push ups and 15 Squats.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Teesside/Arizona weekly throwdown WOD 2
This WOD was my choice. 12 minute AMRAP:
Double under practice, I wonder why??
2 min AMRAP = 185 Double unders
rest 1 minute
1 min AMRAP = 86 Double unders
- 10 Shoulder to overhead 95lb/42kg (cleaned from the ground each time)
- 15 Goblet squats 24kg
Double under practice, I wonder why??
2 min AMRAP = 185 Double unders
rest 1 minute
1 min AMRAP = 86 Double unders
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Pushing Annie
50-40-30-20-10 reps for the time of:
- Double unders
- Hand release push ups
- Ab mat sit ups
Monday, March 14, 2011
Mainsite WOD from 06/03/11
4 Rounds for the time of:
Teesside/Arizona throwdown WOD, to be completed by Friday.
12 minute AMRAP:
- 7 Muscle ups (palms facing out)
- 15 Deadlifts @ 225lb/100kg
- 30 walking lunges
Teesside/Arizona throwdown WOD, to be completed by Friday.
12 minute AMRAP:
- 10 Shoulder to overhead 95lb/42kg ( clean the bar from the ground and not the rack)
- 15 Goblet squats 24kg.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Definite rest day
Rest day putting together some ideas for the next Arizona/Teesside throwdown WOD, as it stands its 1-0 to Teesside :-)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Leeds OH/sprints
For the time:
- 200m run
- 15 Power snatches 40kg
- 400m run
- 15 Overhead squats 40kg
- 200m run
- 15 Power snatches
- 400m run
- 15 Overhead squats
- 200m run
Friday, March 11, 2011
Rest day, which then became a 20 min AMRAP out of boredom
AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 20 minutes of:
- 4 Handstand push ups
- 6 Kettlebell swings 32kg
- 10 Pistols (5 each leg)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Teesside/Arizona weekly throwdown
This WOD was set by Gaz Buxton, the first of our weekly throwdowns!!
5 Rounds for the time of:
Awesome WOD Gaz, lets see how you do.......
5 Rounds for the time of:
- 5 Power cleans 70kg/155lb
- 100m sprint
- 50 double unders
- 100m sprint
- 5 Deadlifts 70kg/155lb
Awesome WOD Gaz, lets see how you do.......
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
21-15-9 reps for the time of
- Thrusters 40kg
- Burpees
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Bodyweight mix
5 Rounds for the time of:
- 50 Double unders
- 40 Air squats
- 30 Box jumps (24 inch)
- 20 Ab mat sit ups (un anchored)
- 10 Lateral burpees (12 inch jump)
- 5 Handstand push ups
Monday, March 7, 2011
Rest day
Full rest day today, I'll soon be starting a weekly challenge/throwdown with my mate Gaz buxton who is over the pond in Arizona. We'll be taking it in turns to challenge one another on weekly WODs, should be intresting.
The picture below shows Andy Ruddick who is the owner of Crossfit HG3 based out of Harrogate. Andy has recently taken part in a 30 day paleo challenge set by Crossfit Leeds and the eveidence is plain for all to see. Any more information required just log onto their facebook page.
The picture below shows Andy Ruddick who is the owner of Crossfit HG3 based out of Harrogate. Andy has recently taken part in a 30 day paleo challenge set by Crossfit Leeds and the eveidence is plain for all to see. Any more information required just log onto their facebook page.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Ground to overhead n 200m sprints/ Death by Clean n jerk
3 Rounds for the time of:
- 10 Ground to overhead @ 40kg
- 200m sprint
Rest 10 minutes
Death by clean and jerk @ 60kg
With a running clock perform 1 clean n jerk on the first minute, 2 on the second minute, 3 on the third minute and so on until you cant perform the required reps in the minute.
For this I did 9 and 9 reps, I was 1 second from 10 complete reps, bad time keeping on my part.
Corny going through the "dip n drive" phase of his jerk!! |
Chris with 40kg locked out overhead, awesome tekkers |
Dave ready to drive overhead |
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Squat cleans,jerks,OH walk,DU's/ MU's, OH squats, Toe to Rings
Establish a 1 rep max clean (squat), I managed 90kg/198lb and failed 100kg. I didnt have the weight to attempt 95kg. Im finding it difficult to get under the bar quick enough.
5 Rounds for the time of:
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for the time of:
5 Rounds for the time of:
- 5 Squat cleans 70kg/155lb
- 5 Shoulder to overhead 70kg/155lb
- 12 metre overhead walk 70kg/155lb
- 30 Double unders
Rest 5 minutes
3 Rounds for the time of:
- 5 Muscle ups (arms fully turned out)
- 10 Overhead squats 40kg
- 10 Toes to rings
Friday, March 4, 2011
Deadlifts/Pull ups - Pistols/DU's
As many Double unders as you can unbroken - 156
30-25-20-15-10 reps for the time of:
Rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds for the time of:
30-25-20-15-10 reps for the time of:
- Pull ups
- Deadlift @ 185lb/80kg
Rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds for the time of:
- 14 pistols (7 each leg)
- 40 Double unders
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
FGB- Fight Gone Bad
3 Rounds of 5 x 1 minute intervals on the following exercises (rest 1 minute between rounds)
Great workout but was struggling to stand up at the end of it, in the words of B.J Penn, " That felt like a fight gone bad"!!!!
- Wall ball shots @ 10kg/ 10 foot target = Rnd 1- 33 reps/ Rnd 2-24 reps/ Rnd 3- 22 reps
- Sumo Deadlift Highpull @ 35kg= Rnd 1- 35 reps/ Rnd 2-20 reps/ Rnd 3- 16 reps
- Box jumps (20 inch)= Rnd 1- 51 reps/ Rnd 2-43 reps/ Rnd 3-38 reps
- Push press @ 35kg= Rnd 1-29 reps/ Rnd 2-21 reps/ Rnd 3- 17 reps
- Row for calories= Rnd 1- 20 cals/ Rnd 2-16 cals/ Rnd 3-16 cals
Great workout but was struggling to stand up at the end of it, in the words of B.J Penn, " That felt like a fight gone bad"!!!!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Leeds WOD x 2
Thruster 5-5-5-5-5
40kg,50kg,60kg,70kg,80kg (1 rep)
Max height Box jump = 45 inches
5 Rounds for the time of:
- 10 Thrusters 40kg
- 10 Box jumps 24 inch
10-20-30-20-10 reps for the time of:
- KB swings 24kg
- Ab mat sit ups (un anchored)
- Double unders
I did this in 07:07, Double unders were shocking!!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Crossfit Total
Find your max weight on each of the three following lifts:
- Shoulder Press: 135lb/ 61kg
- Back Squat: 300lb/136kg
- Deadlift: 445lb/201kg
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Middlesbrough 5km park run
I finished 3rd male out of 230 runners with a time of 17:47 (PB), happy with that after yesterday WOD
Friday, February 25, 2011
5 Rounds for the time of:
- 800m run
- 30 Kettlebell swings 32kg
- 30 Pull ups
An example of, "HOW you train is more important than WHERE you train"
Chris and Dave on the KB swings |
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Hero WOD J.T/ Annie
J.T: 21-15-9 reps for the time of:
Rest 5 mins
Annie: 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Got to be happy with smashing 2 PBs in one morning, still itching to get a sub 5 Annie.
- Handstand push ups
- Ring dips
- Push ups
Rest 5 mins
Annie: 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
- Double unders
- Ab-mat sit ups (anchored)
Got to be happy with smashing 2 PBs in one morning, still itching to get a sub 5 Annie.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
7 Rounds for the time of:
- 15 KB swings 24kg
- 15 Power cleans 95lb/42kg
- 15 Box jumps 24 inch
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 20 minutes of:
Heavy back squats this PM possibly.....
- 5 Pull ups
- 10 Push ups
- 15 Air squats
Heavy back squats this PM possibly.....
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Main site WOD
Five rounds for time of:
- 45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet/15 metres.
- 21 Burpees
Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.
I did this in 08:21, legs were on fire from the off.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Leeds open day
WOD 1: 10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of:
WOD 2: 5 Rounds for the time of:
WOD 3: 21-15-9 reps for the time of:
Heavy cleans and clean and jerks to finish, both PBs
Power clean: 105kg/231lb (PB)
Clean and Jerk: 95kg/209lb (PB)
I wanted to push the Jerk to 100kg but decided to quit while I was ahead and save it for another day.
- 5 Burpees
- 10 Goblet squats 24kg
- 15 Kettlebell swings 24kg
WOD 2: 5 Rounds for the time of:
- 40 Double unders
- 12 Deadlifts 80kg/180lb
WOD 3: 21-15-9 reps for the time of:
- Wall ball shots 10 kg
- Box jumps 24 inch
- Sit ups
Heavy cleans and clean and jerks to finish, both PBs
Power clean: 105kg/231lb (PB)
Clean and Jerk: 95kg/209lb (PB)
I wanted to push the Jerk to 100kg but decided to quit while I was ahead and save it for another day.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Rest day
Looking forward to Leeds open day tomorrow, could be the opportunity to go heavy overhead for the first time in 6 months
Thursday, February 17, 2011
5 Rounds for the time:
5 minutes rest,
10x10 reps of toes to rings with a 20 second rest between sets.
- 7 Muscle ups (full arm extension, palms facing out)
- 21 Burpees with a 12 inch vertical jump
5 minutes rest,
10x10 reps of toes to rings with a 20 second rest between sets.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Box jumps/Goblet squats
50-40-30-20-10 reps for the time of:
- Box jumps 24 inch
- Goblet squats 16kg Kettlebell
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Front Squat, Leeds WOD (Barbell complex), DU and HSPU chipper
Front Squat 5-5-3-3-1-reps with max weight. 5- 195lb, 5-205lb, 3-225lb, 3-235lb, 1-245lb, 1-255lb, (fail 265lb)
3 Rounds for time of: (50kg/115lb barbell)
WOD 2: for the time:
3 Rounds for time of: (50kg/115lb barbell)
- 9 Deadlift
- 7 Hang power cleans
- 5 Push press
- 3 Front squat
WOD 2: for the time:
- 10 Handstand push ups
- 20 Double unders
- 8 Handstand push ups
- 40 Double unders
- 6 Handstand push ups
- 60 Double unders
- 4 Handstand push ups
- 80 Double unders
- 2 Handstand push ups
- 100 Double unders
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
5 Rounds for the time:
First time Ive done pull ups as required in a WOD for a long time. Still really cautious of my shoulder but its feeling stronger n stronger. I felt the last 2 rounds and had to break on the push ups.
- 20 Pull ups
- 30 Push ups
- 40 Sit ups
- 50 Air squats
First time Ive done pull ups as required in a WOD for a long time. Still really cautious of my shoulder but its feeling stronger n stronger. I felt the last 2 rounds and had to break on the push ups.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Leeds WOD
Establish a 1 rep max Power Clean, rest 5 minutes then 7 rounds for the time of:
- 3 Power cleans 70kg/155lb
- 20 Double unders
Friday, February 11, 2011
Fury WOD
A WOD I got off my mate Gaz Buxton, I had to sub GHDs for Ab mat (un anchored) sit ups.
4 rounds for the time of:
4 rounds for the time of:
- 800m run
- 25 KB swings 32kg/2 pood
- 25 Ab mat sit ups
![]() |
Bucko is top row, second in from the left (essence bloke) |
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
AMRAP: Box jumps, Toes to bar, Push press/ honking METCON
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
5 minute rest then 10 rounds of
- 12 Box jumps 26 inch
- 10 Toes to bar
- 8 Push press 52kg/115lb
5 minute rest then 10 rounds of
- 20 Double unders
- 8 Burpees
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Snatches, OH squats and Ring dips
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for the time of:
- Power snatch 95lb/42kg
- OH squats
- Ring dips
Monday, February 7, 2011
21-15-9 reps for the time of:
- Deadlift 225lb/100kg
- Handstand Push ups
- Pull ups
- Toes to bar
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
EIF fitness test
European Institute of Fitness, Fitness test
- Cooper test: In 12 minutes run as far as you can, I got 2.1 miles
- Rest 15 minutes, then Bleep test, I got level 13.3
- As many Push ups as you can in 1 minute (chest to partners fist) 95 reps
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
KB swings, Push press and Air squats
3 rounds for the time of:
30 toes to bar unbroken, happy with that.
- 20 KB swings 24kg
- 40 Push press 20kg
- 60 Air squats
30 toes to bar unbroken, happy with that.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
30 Muscle ups for the time, 30 Handstand push ups for the time
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