I have now set up my own CrossFit affilliate, www.crossfitteesside.com please follow us, "LIKE" our page on Facebook and send any feedback. I will still use this blog to record my own training and act as a CrossFit diary.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

UK sectional WOD from 2010

For the time:
  • 50 Double unders
  • 3 Rounds of 3 Clean n jerk 60kg, 10 Toes to bar
  • 40 Double unders
  • 2 Rounds of 3 Clean n jerk 60kg, 10 Toes to bar
  • 30 Double unders
  • 1 Round of 3 Clean n jerk 60kg, 10 Toes to bar
Quite a cheeky WOD, had to break the toes to bar towards the end, 06:24 as required.


  1. OUTSTANDING Performance! KUTF (keep up the fire)

  2. You're on good form Lee. 7.52 was the fastest time at our sectional last year!!!

  3. Cheers for that mate, I didnt know that time I just picked up the WOD from a site. Hitting FRANPEE again on Wednesday with Nicky for the competition, URGH!!!
