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Friday, December 3, 2010

Turkish Get-ups

In your own time perform 100 Turkish Get-ups (50 each arm)

This WOD is NOT for time, control each get-up and focus on core stability and active shoulders. Serious injury can occur if the movement is rushed.....Im proof of that.

  1. Lie flat on your back with the kettlebell roughly in line wth the chest.
  2. If your using your right arm like in the picture then raise that knee, then drive the Kettlebell straight up.
  3. Roll your body to the left, sit up and support your bodyweight with your left arm. The right arm keeps the kettlebell slightly forward of overhead, active shoulders at all times.
  4. Bring your left leg round under the body and take a knee, the Kettlebell remains in the same position, active shoulders!!
  5. Stand up straight, hips fully open and an active shoulder on the kettlebell, keep the weight driven up. (Now to come back down)
  6. Take a knee on your left knee and then lower your backside to the ground, kettlebell remains slightly overhead with an active shoulder driving it up.
  7. Bring both legs out straight and keep the core tight. Kettlebell remains overhead with an active shoulder.
  8. With a tight core lower yourself back flat against the gound, the core controls this movement. The kettlebell can then be lowered under control back in line with the chest.
One full Turkish Get-up includes both the up and down part of the movement, I worked in sets of 10 on each arm and used a 16KG Kettlebell. Once again, please don't rush this exercise and focus on active shoulders and a tight core!!

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