I have now set up my own CrossFit affilliate, www.crossfitteesside.com please follow us, "LIKE" our page on Facebook and send any feedback. I will still use this blog to record my own training and act as a CrossFit diary.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Fun in the snow

5 Rounds for the time:
  • 5 Muscle ups
  • 10 Goblet squats 24kg kettlebell
  • 15 Kettlebell swings 24kg
  • 400m run (in the snow)
This was hard going ecspecially after a night out, I managed 15:42. The snow made it difficult to run and on a clear day Im confident I could knock a few minutes of the time. Great WOD!!!!

Thanks to my Dad for braving the cold and being the photographer!!! :-)


  1. Looks cold!!! Well done! Bravo Zulu, to your Dad!

  2. Good shit Lee! Mega Pics them mate, looks gibberin!!!
