I have now set up my own CrossFit affilliate, www.crossfitteesside.com please follow us, "LIKE" our page on Facebook and send any feedback. I will still use this blog to record my own training and act as a CrossFit diary.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Body weight METCON

5 rounds for the time:
  • 40 Air squats
  • 30 Sit ups
  • 20 Hand release push ups
  • 5 Handstand push ups
14:29 as required, first WOD here at Lilleshall.


  1. Is that 5 rounds mate? Hope all's good at Lilleshall. What are the facilities like?
    Going to give that MU/Swings/Box Jumps WOD a go this week.

  2. Ye mate it was 5 rounds, Lillehsall is going ok mate, really busy though mate but still finding time for WODs early in the mornings :-)
