I have now set up my own CrossFit affilliate, www.crossfitteesside.com please follow us, "LIKE" our page on Facebook and send any feedback. I will still use this blog to record my own training and act as a CrossFit diary.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

RLT Challenge WOD, all in the name of fun.

For the time:
  • 12 Tyre flips with a jump on the tyre after each flip
  • 50m Farmers walk with 2 water jerry cans (full)
  • 21 Push press 95lb
  • 12 Tyre flips with a jump on the tyre after each flip
  • 50m Farmers walk with 2 water jerry cans
  • 15 Push press
  • 12 Tyre flips with a jump on the tyre after each flip
  • 50m Farmers walk with 2 water jerry cans
  • 9 Push press
Rest 5 minutes and then establish your best effort Deadlift

This WOD was set by my good friend Gareth Buxton (24:7 motion) and I thought today was the perfect day to do it as we had a guest at the gym. Ben Walker was visiting from Baghdad and after putting him through Rowing Cindy last night it was only right to put on a good WOD this morning. I completed the WOD with a time 05:18; however a few of my Push press's were starting to become Push jerks toward the end of the set!!! Ben completed in 05:27 with good form throughout. For the Deadlift I equalled my PR of 425lb and failed at 435lb attempt. Ben put up 365lb, with correct form and technique he'll easy top 400lb. Great to see you Ben!!

Additional WOD

Its time to head out to the streets again, this time do best effort sprints for 40 seconds on 20 seconds off, 8 times. Hold your fastest pace possible on each of the sprints and rest the full 20 seconds off. On completion perform 100 Air squats for the time. :-) Post results to comments.

Me and Ben having fun with the tyres


  1. Good WOD, Enjoyed today! Time 5:01. Best effort dead lift afterwards. No PR today, had to settle for a 425 but still pleased. Grip felt week and back must've been tiered from tyre flips:-)

  2. I was freezing running in this weather but I got through it!! Squats weren't as bad as I thought they would be so I'm happy!! X

  3. Time 6:28 r'xd.......Enjoyed this one, feel slightly better with this effort aposed to yesterdays performance. Need to work on lifting weight above my head e.g Push Press, OH Squats Etc.

    Deadlift best effort... 435lbs (failed at 445lbs)
    This is a PB for me so im very happy, thought i was gonna pass out trying to lift 445lbs

  4. Day Two of Crossfit and Lee is either on mission to get me fit or kill me!!!

    6:50 for today's session. Legs ache, deltoids ache, Trap & Lats ache, Abs & Obliques Ache..... You get the picture.
    Awesome seesion and so basic to set up. Cheers guys and look forward to tomorrow's session.

  5. Session, fatigue obviously still there from few hours ago.
