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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Another Poseidon WOD

4 Rounds for the time of:
  • 5 Push press @ 75% of your body weight
  • 25 Box jumps (24 inch box)
  • 400m run
I decided to go a little heavier than I originally prescribed on the Push press, this was so I could test my shoulder out at a heavier weight and also because Ive been neglecting my overhead lifting. I felt fine on all the push press's and resisted the temptation to jerk the movement. I finished the WOD with a time of 11:18 @ 135lb push press's. The gym is becoming a lonely place in the mornings now with most people opting for the afternoon sessions. I think the cold is scaring Gaz away ;-) lol.

Additional WOD 

Brave the cold put on your warmest PT gear, head out in to the street. Start off with a 5 minute jog to warm up, then sprint all out effort for 20 secs on 10 secs off, do this 8 times. It should take 4 minutes in total, make sure you give everything youve got in each sprint and then rest for the full 10 seconds, dont see yourself off. Be sure to stretch before and after the WOD.

Doogie on todays WOD.


  1. A tough workout but enjoyable. Apparantly i need to get a grip of my extra little jump on my box jumps. Was happy with a sub 15 time: 14:32
