I have now set up my own CrossFit affilliate, www.crossfitteesside.com please follow us, "LIKE" our page on Facebook and send any feedback. I will still use this blog to record my own training and act as a CrossFit diary.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Power snatches, dumbell thrusters n burpees/ Front squats n HSPU

For the time 21-15-9 reps of:
  • Power snatch 95lb
  • Dumbell thrusters 30lb DBs
  • Burpees
Rest 5 minutes, then no time complete 7 rounds of:
  • 3 Front squat 145lb
  • 3 Handstand push ups
I did the first WOD in 09:15, Snatches felt good for the first time in a long time. Still taking too much rest between stations!!! Second WOD was just for some practice :-)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


5 rounds for the time of:
  • 12 Deadlifts
  • 9 Hang power cleans
  • 6 Push jerk
This WOD is set at 155lb, I chose to do it at 135lb. I did the first round at 155lb but then scaled down to 135lb, 10:02.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pushing Annie at the bar

For the time 50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
  • Double unders
  • Knees to elbows
  • Push ups
After what seemed like an eternity on the drink and eating crap this seemed like a great WOD to get back into things. My double unders were attrocious and are steadily going downhill but Im putting it down to the past few days!!! 17:03.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Fun in the snow

5 Rounds for the time:
  • 5 Muscle ups
  • 10 Goblet squats 24kg kettlebell
  • 15 Kettlebell swings 24kg
  • 400m run (in the snow)
This was hard going ecspecially after a night out, I managed 15:42. The snow made it difficult to run and on a clear day Im confident I could knock a few minutes of the time. Great WOD!!!!

Thanks to my Dad for braving the cold and being the photographer!!! :-)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Deadlifts with lateral (over the bar) burpees

5 Rounds for the time:
  • 5 Deadlifts 120kg/265lb
  • 20 Lateral (over the bar) burpees
This WOD was the final WOD of last years European regionals, its a right lung burner and the type of WOD were your blowing from the off!! I did this WOD in a semi decent lifting gym introduced to me by my mate Andy Cornforth, the facility isnt great but serves a purpose for some lifting without members of the public complaining about the noise. I managed 07:07 rx'd.

Post WOD: HSPU and Pull up practice. More squash this afternoon!!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Heavy squats

Today I played a few games of squash with my mate Jonny Gibbons and got hammered. Part of the ethos is to regularly learn and play new sports so this is something I'll try my hand at.

  • Max Front squat: 245lb
  • Max Back squat: 275lb
  • OH squat, 75lb,95lb,115lb...Didnt risk any heavier.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First WOD back at home

5 Rounds for the time of:
  • 40 Air squats
  • 30 Ab mat sit ups
  • 20 Push ups
  • 5 Handstand push ups
This was my first WOD after taking a week off, I did this in the spare room of my house and it took me 16:58, HSPUs were terrible.Im hoping to get back in a gym of some sort tomorrow.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A thrashing from Wardy in replace of a rest day

For the time:
  • 6 Squat cleans 155lb
  • 50 Double unders
  • 15 Handstand push ups
  • 11 Squat cleans 155lb
  • 40 Double unders
  • 10 Handstand push ups
  • 15 Squat cleans 155lb
  • 30 Double unders
  • 5 Handstand push ups
My final WOD in Iraq was compliments of my mate Andy Ward. Today was meant to be a rest day but as Im travelling tomorrow I'll use that as a rest. Andy put this chipper together intentionally to hit his weakness of handstand push ups, which is great programming, always hit your weakness's more often than your strengths. Personally I found the heavy cleans extremly challenging and would never programme so many in a WOD for myself, so it was a good challenge for the both of us, I finished the WOD with a time of 10:23 rxd.
Cheers Andy.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


This HERO WOD is dedicated to U.S Army Captain Dan Whitten, 28, of Grimes, Iowa, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died February 2, 2010 in Zabul, Afghanistan.

Five rounds for the time:
  • 22 Kettlebell swings 32kg
  • 22 Box jumps (24 inch)
  • 400m run
  • 22 Burpees
  • 22 wall ball shots, 20lb ball
This WOD was a killer, I only had a 24kg kettlebell available and the run was on a shingel/ wet slippy mud terrain which wasnt an ideal surface but you work with what you got. I did the WOD with my mate Ben Walker and I got a time of 29:55, Ben finished at 34:25, he can move quick for a big lad ;-)

The whole or part of the ear must be seen as the head goes through the window on the American KB swing, with the Russian Kettlebell swing the kettlebell just comes upto shoulder height. Use American Kettlebell swings as the default unless its stated otherwise.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Party with the girls

Ive just arrived in Baghdad for a few days and will be getting WODs from my mates here, Ben Walker introduced me to a few ladies today to help me gain confidence on the overhead lifting.

The WOD is done with 95lbs
  • GRACE: 30 x clean and jerks
  • ANGIE: 20 Pull ups, 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, 20 squats
  • NANCY: 400m run, 21 overhead squats
  • HELEN: 400m run, 21 KB swings 24kg
  • FRAN: 21 Thrusters, 21 pull ups
  • DIANNE: 21 Deadlifts, 21 handstand push ups
  • ELIZABETH: 21 Squat cleans, 21 ring dips
  • ISABELLE: 30 Snatches
I was really cautious on the snatches and overhead squats as that was my first time back on them, I still had dramas with my shoulder but its improvement. I was just happy to complete the WOD as prescribed. I got 29:56, and Ben smashed me with 27:15. Im fairly confident that in time I'll hit sub 25 min :-)

Friday, December 10, 2010


This is a HERO WOD in honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was killed in Afghanistan.

21-15-9 reps for the time of:
  • Handstand Push ups
  • Ring dips
  • Push ups
This was the first time Ive done this WOD as prescribed and finished with a time of 11:36, its all progress!!! I hit a Double unders PR in the warm up doing 154 unbroken.

Head all the way to the ground and back upto full extension on the HSPU

Additional WOD

21-15-9 reps for the time of:
  • Push ups
  • Air squats
  • Sit ups
Post results to comments :-)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Deadlift AMRAP followed by a Kettlebell complex

  • 90 second Deadlift AMRAP with 60kg,80kg or 100kg. Times the amount of reps by the weight chosen, e.g if you chose 60kg and carried out 10 reps in 90 seconds your score would be 600.

After a 5 minute rest do 4 rounds for the time of:
  • 10 Kettlebell squats (hold kettlebell on each shoulder)
  • 10 Kettlebell press's
  • 10 Kettlebell lunges (kettlebell held at the side of the body)
  • 10 Kettlebell thrusters
  • 25m Farmers walk
Use 20kg kettlebells or 45lb/20kg dumbells

For PART 1 I chose to use 80kg and managed 57 reps giving me a score of 4560.

PART 2 was harder than I thought it was going to be, I finished with a time of 12:23, the thrusters were disgusting and my legs were like jelly ecspecially after yesterdays WOD, looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.

Lee on the Kettlebell

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Barbell squat complex, KB swings and Double unders

5 Rounds for the time:
  • 15 Front squats 95lb
  • 15 Back squats 95lb
  • 15 Kettlebell swings 24kg
  • 15 Double unders
perform 2 burpees each time a set is broken, for e.g if you do 5 front squats and then drop the bar to rest or if you trip on the double unders :-)

This WOD absoloutely fried my back, going from the back squats to the KB swings was pretty painful. All my squats were unbroken as were the KB swings; however my double unders in the first 2 rounds were shocking. I think it was a mixture of wearing converse all stars and also the pressure of the burpees. I finished it with a time of 18:30, with quite a few penalty burpees!!!!

Additional WOD

5 rounds for the time:
  • Hold a squat for 20 seconds, then do 20 squats and 20 sit ups.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The flying frog

5 rounds for the time:
  • 20 Jump air squats
  • 15 Knees to elbow
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Ring dips
  • 200m run
13:58, A right lung burner!!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Overhead walks with some bits added for fun

5 Rounds for the time of:
  • 30 Double unders
  • 10 Full cleans 135lb
  • 5 Shoulder to overhead 135lb
  • 20m overhead walk 135lb
I finished with a time of 16:24, it took me the first round to get warmed up as its getting pretty cold in the mornings here, but I suppose Ive got to get used to it, back to good old Blighty soon. :-)

Changers on the 135lb full clean.

Changers on the 135lb Overhead carry.
 Additional WOD

  • 50 Lunge steps (knee to the ground)
  • 10 Air squats
  • 40 Lunge steps
  • 20 Air squats
  • 30 Lunge steps
  • 30 Air squats
  • 20 Lunge steps
  • 40 Air squats
  • 10 Lunge steps
  • 50 Air squats
Post results to comments :-)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Turkish Get-ups

In your own time perform 100 Turkish Get-ups (50 each arm)

This WOD is NOT for time, control each get-up and focus on core stability and active shoulders. Serious injury can occur if the movement is rushed.....Im proof of that.

  1. Lie flat on your back with the kettlebell roughly in line wth the chest.
  2. If your using your right arm like in the picture then raise that knee, then drive the Kettlebell straight up.
  3. Roll your body to the left, sit up and support your bodyweight with your left arm. The right arm keeps the kettlebell slightly forward of overhead, active shoulders at all times.
  4. Bring your left leg round under the body and take a knee, the Kettlebell remains in the same position, active shoulders!!
  5. Stand up straight, hips fully open and an active shoulder on the kettlebell, keep the weight driven up. (Now to come back down)
  6. Take a knee on your left knee and then lower your backside to the ground, kettlebell remains slightly overhead with an active shoulder driving it up.
  7. Bring both legs out straight and keep the core tight. Kettlebell remains overhead with an active shoulder.
  8. With a tight core lower yourself back flat against the gound, the core controls this movement. The kettlebell can then be lowered under control back in line with the chest.
One full Turkish Get-up includes both the up and down part of the movement, I worked in sets of 10 on each arm and used a 16KG Kettlebell. Once again, please don't rush this exercise and focus on active shoulders and a tight core!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


5 rounds for the time:
  • 400m run
  • 30 Box jumps (24 inch)
  • 30 Wall ball shots
To do this WOD as required your meant to use a 20lb medicine ball for males or a 14lb medicine ball for females, the target is set at 9 feet. I only had a 14lb medicine ball available so I increased the target to 12 feet. Still not ideal but atleast I got to work on my explosive power, wall balls have always been a weakness for me ecspecially as Im a short arse!!! I finished the WOD in 20:31, with more effort on the 400m runs I'll be able to hit sub 20!!

Additional WOD

For the time:
  • 100 Push ups
  • 100 sit ups
Post results to comments :-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rest day

Rest, stretch and eat clean.

Today I'll be practicing gymnastic exercises on the rings, the images below are the progressions for both the MUSCLE UP and the HANDSTAND PUSH UP on the rings.